Thursday, 28 July 2011

Discuss the major exports of Pakistan and discuss their importance

Major Exports of Pakistan :-
Following are the important exports of Pakistan :

1. Cotton :-
It is the most important cash crop of Pakistan. Now due to its importance our farmer in increasing its cultivation. In 1993-94, 8.0 million bales were exported to other countries. Pakistan earned 3.083 billion dollars foreign exchange in 1993-94. govt. has also allowed the exporters to purchase cotton directly from the Ginners. China, Hong Kong, Japan are the buyers of raw cotton. Pakistan faced the cotton crises in 1995 due to low product.

2. Rice :-
Pakistan is earning a lot of foreign exchange by exporting rice to Middle East countries. Pakistan has monopoly in the trade of Basmati Rice. In 1993-94 Pakistan earned 8214 million dollars. Pakistan shall have to pay special attention to the quality and cost of rice. India and China are our competitors in the world trade of rice.

3. Cotton Clothe :-
It has an important position in the exports of Pakistan. Pakistan exports billion dollar's cotton cloth to various countries like U.K and Japan. we can increase the Textile exports by using the latest technology.

4. Cotton Yarn :-
During the last five years Pakistan has doubled the production of cotton yarn. no doubt the spinning capacity of the cotton mills is very low. Pakistan has earned million dollars every year by exporting cotton yarn. The main buyers are Japan, Hong Kong and Germany.

5. Carpets :-
Pakistan exports the hand made and machine made carpets. Pakistan has a tough competition with China and India. Pakistan earned million dollars every year by exporting it is West Germany, Switzerland, U.S.A, France, U.K and Italy.

6. Leather :-
In the field of exports Pakistan leather industry is playing very important role. Our leather industry has improved the quality of product according the world market standard Italy, Japan, Spain are the main buyers.

7. Vegetable and Fruits :-
The export performance of vegetable and fruits is very poor. Because processing and grading facilities are not available in Pakistan. Vegetables and fruits are exported to the middle east and gulf countries. Onion, chillies, pees and potatoes can be also exported to various countries.

8. Sports and Surgical Goods :-
Various other items like sports surgical goods and jewellery is also ex[ported to other countries. During 1995-96 Pakistan earnest million dollars by exporting these goods.

9. Fish and Fish Product :-
The export of fish and fish product export is increasing day by day. Pakistan earns million dollars foreign exchange by exporting it every years.

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