Saturday, 20 December 2014

Critically analyze the Drama and Feature of Radio


Radio has gained attention of people not only for its news and current affair programmes but also for its Dramas and Features.

Interest of Listeners :
Radio plays and features are prepared to keep in view the interest of listeners. Its purpose is entertainment as well as to guide and to educate people. Any event or issue whether it is national, regional, social or economic, is taken and a story revolves around this issue.

Topics :
There is no restriction about topic of the play. It can be religious or social. Usually a writer is picked the idea about a play from original life and then he/she starts writing including some fictitious events.

Presentation :
Events are presented in an interesting way. All aspects of issue are covered through dialogues. Dramatic element is presented through audio effects, so the interest of listener is remained. On the other hand, radio feature is presented by one person. In feature report, a brief background of the issue is formed by its introductory sentences. In the middle of a radio feature, a message of well known personality or opinion about the issue is given to maintain the interest of a listener.
The purpose of drama and feature is the same, only the style of presentation is different. Radio has a successful collection of drama as well as features.

Qualities of Drama and Feature : 
Social and economic issues are the major topics of drama and features broadcast by Radio. It has an impressive way of presentation."A basic element which makes them successful is the language. Its writing is simple, flawless and cheerful.
Fictitious events are created, which not only entertain‘the listeners but also give information about an issue. A listener does not feel boredom.

Needs of Present Age :
As time is passed, our national interests are being changed. Our problems are becoming complicated. It is responsibility of Radio to changes and modify itself according to demands of present age. Every topic should be covered by feature and dramas of Radio.

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