Monday, 8 December 2014

Write a comprehensive note on mass communication in Pakistan through public meetings

Public meeting means gathering of a large number of people. May be in hundreds, thousands or in lacs. Public meeting is an important and effective mean of communication in developing countries like Pakistan. Major topics of public meetings are politics, religion and social issues.

Important Aspects of Public Meetings :
People do not think thoroughly about any issue. They always think emotionally and show their opinion in public meetings.

Public Meetings Before Partition :
Public meetings were‘a big source of communication before freedom. People arranged meetings to protest about political issues.
Mostly people were uneducated. Political leaders were raised the emotions of freedom. Such orator has gained popularity, who used emotional style and language. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Maulana Zafar Ali Khan, and Syed Ata Ullah Shah Bokhari had gained a special position in delivering speeches. Freedom Movements were forced by such public meetings. Thousands of people were gathered in Jalianwala Bagh
and become victim of firing of Gen. Dyer.
Mochi Gate of Lahore was also very famous for public meetings. Ghazi Ilam-ud-Din murdered the publisher of Rangila Rasool” Rajpal after hearing a public meeting at
Mochi Gate.
Quaid-e-Azam has shown a way to movement for students in a public meeting held at Islamia College Railway Road, Lahore.
“This is the First of March and Let us March on.”
Pakistan Movement was started from a public meeting held at Minto Park of Lahore. Millions of people from all over the Sub-Continent attended this meeting and they decided to make a separate homeland for Muslims.

Public Meetings in Pakistan :
Public meetings can be a source to solve social and developmental problems. Now we see positive and negative aspects of public meetings held in Pakistan.

To Solve Problems :
We can use public meetings to motivate people to solve their problems by themselves. For instance, to build a new road, to start a school for girls in backward villages, to arrange cleanliness of roads at ‘mohalla’ level etc.

Seriousness :
We can communicate useful points to crowd present at meetings. We can promote education, social welfare projects, smoking hazards, campaign against drugs and develop awareness of traffic rules. These purposes can be attained only if there should be seriousness among crowd.

Feed back Element :
It is a source of face-to-face communication, an orater comes to know about feedback of his speech. If crowd becomes lazy and does not appreciate his speech with clam our, he stops his speech and when he sees, crowd is in favour of his viewpoint, he can prolong his thinking.

Effective Communication :
Source and receiver, both are present at a same place, so there are less chances of noise. People can understand the message of that is delivered by a debater. They not only receive words but they can also observe gestures, ups and downs of voice and facial expressions. All these things are thought to be helpful in effective communication.

Political and Religious Meetings :
It is a matter of repentance that we are not gaining any useful purpose through public meetings.
It is a common trend to held religious and political public meetings. In these
meetings, people blame other groups. They highlight weak points of opponents. In religious meetings, speakers stress on debating quality. They do not bother mental condition of listeners. Crowd only sit for future reward of virtue. Only a few public meetings promote Islamic thoughts and religious understandings. Due to these reasons, political and religious public meetings become failed.

Element of Emotion :
Element of emotion is raised by slogans. Speaker do not play their role to train and guide public. People are thought such a person as a big leader, who can debate by crying out. A speaker handle the crowd by knowing its psychology.

Reasons :
There are many reasons to become public meetings purposeless. Our orators and politicians are used such meetings only for their benefits. Another reason is that our public is also untrained. Mostly people are uneducated.
People think after repetition of 'a false statement, that it is true. It is needed to become public awared for getting fruitful results of public meetings.

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