Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Write down the difference between Journalism and Communication


Journalism is defined by Webster’s New International Dictionary as,
“The business of managing, editing or writing for journals or newspapers.”
In past, journalism was the best way to express one’s self. Initially, communication was taken place by newspapers. These newspapers were published weekly or fortnightly basis.
Printing press was used for a long time as a source of communicating one’s thoughts with others. Readers were used their Sense of right to receive message through journalism. This situation was remained for a long time that printed journalism alone performed all the functions, i.e., to inform, to guide, to educate and to entertain the readers.
As time was passed, electronic media shared the print media to achieve journalist goals. After invention of Radio and television, field of journalism was widened. Many more pieces of communication are involved which do not include the traditional meaning of journalism. Advertising has become an important part of marketing system. It is done through the media of mass communication.
Thousands of newspapers and magazines are published daily. Millions of people read them. Electronic media are conveying messages to listeners and viewers. Billions of receivers receive messages by different kinds of media. A storm of information is being discharged through sources of mass communication. The media are developing and expanding very fast. Due to the invention of satellites, world has become a global village
and no one can hide the facts, e. g., if one television channel does not tell about a serious issue of its country, the other channels will highlight that problem by making it prominent.
Actually journalism is derived from journal. This is of two types: print journalism and electronic journalism. The basic function of different types of media is to inform people. Public relations, advertising and publicity are also fall in the range of information. The widespread network of mass communication has brought into being the current information age. Journalism is a part of it. The relation of journalism and mass communication can be understood by the following examples :

Family -> A family member
World -> A country
College -> Class room
Hospital -> Ward
We can write, by keeping in mind above given examples, as

Mass Communication -> Journalism
The basic functions of mass communication are the same, as that of journalism :
i. To inform, is attained by printing, broadcasting and telecasting news and views.
ii. To educate, is performed by writing editorials, articles and reports in the newspapers or talk shows via Radio and television.
iii. To guide purpose of journalism, is performed by columns in print medium and producing programmes on current affairs and training programmes of Radio and television.
iv. To entertain, is gotten by features and dramas and other light programmes.
We can correctly called the present age as age of the mass communication. Journalism is its part. Messages of mass communication are sent to receivers using a channel like newspaper, Radio or television. Audience receive messages of their interest and requirements and circumstances.
Sources of mass communication are performing their role by providing information of different kinds. They can perform a role like open universities.

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