Saturday, 6 December 2014

Write a note on types of Communication or Differentiate Communication, mass Communication and machine-assisted Communication


Having looked at the key elements in the communication process, we next examine three common communication settings or situations and explore how these elements vary from setting to setting. There are four different types of communication :
      1. lntra-personal Communication
      2. Inter-personal Communication
      3. Extra-personal Communication
      4. Mass Communication

1. Intra-personal Communication :
“A process of communication by which one person communicates with himself either consciously or unconsciously is called lntra-personal communication.”
In this form of communication, one person is the messenger and same is the receiver. “The silent conversation with our own-self is called lntra-personal Communication.”
This is the base for all forms of communication. As we know communication is a continuous process in which man is always being involved either by sitting silently, crying, shouting or sleeping. This communication takes place within the individual. With the help of this communication system, individuals can make decisions on the basis of information that they received through various sources.
Example :
The encoding-decoding process that occurs when a man is waiting alone outside an office, or thought processes of deciding whether to stay at home or to go out for a walk, all are the examples of intra-personal communication.

2. Inter-personal Communication : 
“A process in which one person (or group) is interacting with another person (or group) without the aid of a mechanical device. The source and receiver in this form of communication are within each other’s physical presence. Talking to your roommate, participating in a class discussion, and conversing with your professor after class are all examples of inter-personal communication. The source in this communication setting can be one or more individuals, as can the receiver. It is also called face-to-face communication.

Machine-assisted Inter-personal Communication :
Machine-assisted inter-personal communication (or technology-assisted communication) combines characteristics of both the inter-personal and mass communication situations. In this setting, one or more people are communicating by means of a mechanical device (or devices) with one or more receivers. One of the important characteristics of machine-assisted inter-personal communication is that it allows the source and receiver to be separated by both time and space. The machine can give a message permanence by storing it on paper, magnetic disc, or some other material. The machine can also extend the range of the message by amplifying it and for transmitting it over large distances.
Examples :
The telephone allows two people to converse even though they are hundreds even thousands of miles apart (*American president Richard Nixon placed a person-to-person call to the Apollo 11 astronauts while they were on the moon.)
i. A letter can be read several years after it was written and communicates a new sense.
ii. E-mail allows people to send messages across the world in a matter of minutes.
iii. People get money out of automatic teller machines by inserting a magnetic (ATM) card and following the machine’s instructions.
iv. Chat rooms and newsgroups on the internet allow individuals to communicate by typing messages on their computer for all to see.

Essentials of Inter-personal Communication :
For successful process of inter-personal communication, four main things are essential, which make perfect and effective inter-personal communication:
a) Suitable environment
b) Holding attention
c) Compatibility
d) Frame of reference

3. Extra-personal Communication :
Extra-personal communication has further two types:
(i) Communication with animals
(ii) Communication with plants

i) Communication with Animals :
In everyday life, we communicate with animals, we train them and they react according to our instructions and commands. For example, house dogs, horses, cats and monkeys etc.
ii) Communication with Plants :
In everyday life, sometime we find some persons, who have the habit of talking at with plants. Certain plants react to our touch, for example, touch me not plant.

1 comment:

Gulzar said...

This is very excellent and useful article written on communication. The various terms and types of communication are discussed in an effective and comprehensive way. The language use in this article is very easy that everyone could understand easily. So after visiting this blog, I am quite satisfied to find such a useful material.