Sunday, 25 January 2015

Write a note on Handout


Definition :
From the study of the nature of handout, we can deduce an appropriate definition as,
“A device and means of communication by which Government or Government Agency, gives necessary information to the public at large.”

In general statement,
“The handout is a printed type written or duplicated statement, making some announcement which is thought will be news or giving background information to news.”

Basic points :

The basic and salient points of a handout can be summed as below :

1. A handout is essentially a statement announcement intended to be communicated to the public at large.

2. A handout is a news or giving background information of news.

3. A handout is usually a routine information given by Government Agency.

4. A handout can be issued by attached department or agencies of Government or by Semi-Government departments or by autonomous corporate bodies.

5. Corollary to above, a handout should have or possess a quality and characteristic of interest to government, as well as to the general public.

6. A handout should be invested with the requisite characteristic to satiate the public queries and miscellaneous questions.

7. The handouts are usually floated with a definite aim to achieve the underlying objectives, pertaining to the institutions, Government departments and agencies.

8. The handouts have definite object, idea or an experience for communication and information of the general public through the newspapers and other mass media.

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