Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Write a note on Press Conference

Press Conference

A press conference is an interview given by a public figure to newsmen by appointment.
A press conference is held with numerous standardized steps in order to run it effectively. First of all, a copy of prepared statement is distributed among the representatives of press, followed by a concise statement necessitation the class of a press conference. After this stage, all the representatives are invited to put questions to the convener of the press conference, which facilitates for further information and satisfaction of the press men.

Main characteristics :
A press conference is not a simple method. There are certain principles to be followed :

1. Only the representatives of the press should be invited to the press conference. The presence and invitation to the outsiders is not desirable and is duly and legitimately resented.

2. It is incumbent on the convener to allow sufficient time to the representatives of the press for holding a conference. They should be served with a notice of week in advance. The said notice or the invitation should clarify the reason and criteria of holding such conference. The invitation should contain the necessary background and details to impress the editors of the necessity of covering the details of the conference along-with the names of the chief speakers. It should also indicate the time and place of the conference.

3. In holding a press conference, the location of the holding of such conference should be named boldly and clearly. The location of the proposed press conference needs much consideration and due importance should be given to this aspect.

4. Timing of a press conference warrant a good deal of thinking and planning which should be selected from two points of views: Firstly it should be most convenient to the pressmen and secondly that the matter of the press conference should be conveniently be included in the next day’s papers on large scale.

5. Next step is the selection of a suitable day for holding the said press conference. The conveners of the press conference should take care not to select the days on which national events or celebrations are held; as they keep the press busy and engaged for the coverage of activities of the special days. The conveners of the
press conference should be very careful about fixing the day for holding a press conference to make it success and effective.

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