Saturday, 28 February 2015

What is the Role of a teacher in the educative process

The teacher, as an element of the educative process, transmits content and kills to the students. A teacher is ranked high in every society of the world. He constructs the character of a nation. The role of a teacher in the educative process can be described in the following points :-

  • A teacher transmits the content to the students. This content is organized for the acquisition of curricular objectives. This process of transmission gives rise to the process of instruction.
  • A teacher is a guide, counselor and a friend of his/her students. He guides them continuously and provides help in solving the problems of life.

  • The students copy the character and conduct of his teacher. If the teacher possesses high character and broad knowledge, the students will long for the acquisition of the qualities of their teachers.
  • A teacher is like a gardener in the educative process. As the gardener looks after the plants, the teacher keeps watch the children. The role of a teacher is significant in the character building of the students. He enables them to understand the national values and traditions.
  • A teacher grows up the faculties of his students. He provides them a friendly environment where they find the opportunities to develop their abilities.
  • Transmission of the content is not the only responsibility of a teacher. This is also the duty of a teacher to evaluate the education achievement of the students.
  • A teacher motivates the students to learn in the educative process. This very motivation enables the students to exhibit their interests in the curricular and co-curricular activities.
  • Human building is also a responsibility of a teacher. An educational institution is, in fact, a mill that produces men. A teacher supervises this process of human building.

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