Thursday, 5 March 2015

Define objectives of education and what are the significant foundations (factors) kept in mind while determining the objectives of education in a system of education

Objectives of education refer to the national desires and individual need which give birth to any education system of a nation. So to say, objectives of education are the causes which bring about the emergence of a system of education.
  • Objectives of education refer to the driving forces which attract a nation to develop a system of education.
Following are the significant foundations which are kept in mind while determining the objectives of education for a system of education :-

Ideological foundation : 

Every nation of the world has its own life ideology. This life ideology is’the foundation of. individual and collective life. For instance, Islam is the life ideology of the Muslims whereas Christianity is the life ideology of the Christians. The Islamic ideology of life is the central concern of the education system of the Muslims. The life ideology of nations is given fundamental significance While determining the objectives of education.

Social foundation : 

Every nation has its own system of values and traditions. This is the social responsibility of education to equip the present and future generations with the social traditions. Social foundation of determining objectives of education refers to absorb the social needs into the objectives of education. An individual cannot get the status of social adjustment without the absorption of social needs in the objectives of education. Social stability can only be ensured if the objectives of education are determined in the light of social needs of a society

Economic foundation : 

Economic training of is necessary for the balanced personality development of an individual along with his ideological and social training in the modem age, it becomes essential that education should enable an individual to participate in the productive economic activities. Economic training of an individual is as necessary as the ideological training. This is one of the primary functions of education to enable an individual to adopt a profession according to his potentials. Economic training is one of the foundations of determining the objectives of education which cannot be ignored at any level.

Psychological foundation : 

Psychological foundation of determining objectives of education refers to the consideration of psychological needs of children at various periods of chronological and mental age. The educative process can produce positive educational results when it is in harmony with the psychological needs and natural inclination of the children. A child is the focus of the educative process and personality development of a child is the primary aim of educational activities. In this respect, it seems necessary that objectives of education should be in accordance with the psychological needs of the students.

Cultural foundation : 

Culture refers to the customs, beliefs, objects and life style of a nation. This culture is transmitted to the present and future generations by means of the educative process. Accepting the significance of culture in determining the objectives of education, cultural foundation is the key factor in the transmission of cultural heritage to the next generations A system of education cannot safeguard the cultural heritage if it ignores the cultural foundation of determining the objectives of education.

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