Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Explain the role and significance of determining objectives of education in the system of education

The significance and role of objectives of education is recognized by the educationists and educators. It is said that education without clear cut objectives is a like a rudderless ship. We know that eves“; pilot has route-chart and set timing of handing at predetermined destination. There is a constitution or traditions through
which a country is governed. Similarly, there should be properly defined and declared principles, aims and objectives of education so that a clear destination of a system of education may be defined. The significance and role of determining objectives of education in a system of education may be explained in the following

  • Objectives of education provide the guiding principles with which a clear course of action is decided for a system of education. So to say that those objectives of education decide the destination of education.
  • Objectives of education provide the necessary motivation which is necessary to keep the process of education moving and producing the required individuals. These objectives serve as a vital force for the teachers, students, educational administration in getting the academic excellencies associated with the educative process. 
  • Objectives of education aid in evaluating the process of education. Every activity has a specific aim to achieve in the process of education. in the educational setting, it is generally believed that every activity should be evaluated so that one can know to what extent the objectives of an activity have been achieved. This is called the process of evaluation in the terminology of education. The process of evaluation is meaningless if the objectives of education are not predetermined.
  • Every activity requires specific sources to carry out. Specific activities are carried out for the acquisition of the objectives of education. In the same fashion, specific sources are needed for the execution of specific activities. The significance of the determination of the objectives of education cannot be ignored. If the objectives of education are predetermined, the selection of sources required for the acquisition of the objectives of education becomes easy.
  • The educational objectives decide the destination of education. In this way, determination of the objectives of education enables a teacher to select the alternative courses to reach the destination of education. Objectives of education are the destination of the educative process. If destination is predefined, there are many ways opened before the teacher to reach the destination.
  • A strategy for the acquisition of educational objectives is designed following the determination of the objectives of education This planned strategy is called curriculum. The process of curriculum development cannot take place without the predetermined objectives of education. The objectives of education, rightly, decide what a society wishes to be its children; what type of individuals are required by the society; which activities suit to the children of specific age-group; and which skills are necessary for the children belonging to the specific age-group. All these educational affairs can only be decided when the objectives of education are predefined.
  • The preparation of textbooks is not possible without the pre-determined objectives of education. The objectives guide the authors in selecting the appropriate content of the textbooks. If the author is not aware of the objectives of education, he/she will be not in a position to decide the relevant content of the textbook. To me, a good textbook always follows the guiding principles of the objectives of education. 
  • Determination of educational objectives enables a teacher to select appropriate teaching methods for the acquisition of objectives of education. Without the clear determination objectives of education, appropriate methods of teaching cannot be selected for the transmission of the  instructional content. Selection of teaching methods for the acquisition of objectives of education is a Concrete reality of the educative process.
  • It is necessary for a teacher to have a clear knowledge of functions of education. Otherwise,. all the academic activities will become meaningless. When a teacher keeps in mind the objectives of education during instruction, he sees his destination very clearly. A clear knowledge of the objectives of education guides the teacher in reaching the academic destination.
  • Objectives of education mirror the aspirations of a nation. Education prepares an individual for future life. Social values, traditions, skills and other excellencies are transmitted to the next generations through the educative process. Education is responsible for our social survival, bright national future and all-round personality development as well. In this respect, education is a sensitive activity and it cannot be left unnoticed. It seems essential that objectives of education should be determined so that strategy for successful educative process may be planned.

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