Tuesday, 17 March 2015

What are the cultural aims of education

Cultural aims of education are concerned with the individuals beliefs, social values, skills, traditions and behavioral patterns. These aims have Close concern with the culture of a society. To me, following are the cultural aims of education :-

Preservation of culture : 

Education takes the responsibility of preservation of culture. Education is the only source of the preservation of national values, ideals, experiments and observations. Education; in the form of curriculum, protects the
cultural heritage of a nation. If education does not exist, there would be no concept of  preservation of culture.

Promotion. of cultural heritage : 

Every nation longs for the promotion of its civilizational and cultural values. A national system of education is developed for the fulfillment of these national desires. Education plays a significant role in the promotion of civilizational heritage. Social values cannot be promoted without a systematic process of education in this regard, promotion of social values is the primary cultural aim of education.

Cultural change : 

Human lifestyle, ways of thinking, modes of approaching and goals of life change with the change in culture. As culture is a dynamic enterprise, education should prepare itself to meet the changing demands of the society and the individuals as well. Education points out the righteous elements of culture and then includes them in the body of where. It discusses with those influential factors which cause social change. If culture is not harmonized with the new demands there would be cultural passivism and inactivity. In this respect, cultural evolution is an important aim of education which cannot be denied at any level. Education cannot fulfill its responsibilities without ensuring the cultural mobility.

Transmission of culture : 

Transmission of culture refers to. the shift of cultural  values from one generation to the next one. This is a fundamental cultural aim of  education to transmit the cultural values to the coming generation. The cultural
heritage can only be preserved if it is transmitted to the next generation. Education is held responsible for the transmission of cultural heritage.

Revival of cultural heritage : 

Revival of cultural heritage is another cultural aim of education. We already know that education maintains preservation, transmission and promotion of cultural values. But it is notable to know that education is also
responsible for the revival and growth of cultural heritage. Education enlightens the minds of the individual with the rays of culture. It tells the students that cultural heritage is a sign of prestige of a nation. A nation loses its identity in the absence of as cultural heritage. Keeping in view the significance of the cultural heritage,
education should take necessary steps which can pave the way to the revival of cultural heritage. In this way, the new generation will be proud of their cultural heritage.

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