Sunday, 17 May 2015

Define social foundation of education and also briefly discuss the salient points regarding social foundation of education

Social foundation of education refers to those social needs of the individuals and sources of social stability which are taken into account in connection with the development of a system of education for a nation. Social needs are the foundations of the educative process throughout the globe. This very social consideration is called social foundation of education. With the help of this foundation, the educational objectives like ‘social development of the individuals’ and ‘social stability’ are realized. Following are the salient points regarding the social foundation of education :-

  • Society fixes the responsibility of providing such individuals who are equipped with the social values and cause social stability.
  • Every society is confronted with many problems. Education identifies the problems faced by the society. Education is the only device by which organized efforts are made to solve the social problems. 
  • Every nation has the desire to make the national ideology as the foundation of social life. Education takes the responsibility of making the national ideology as the part of their personality.
  • Education teaches the students that mankind is a one family. The world peace lies in the promotion of mutual co-operation among the individuals.
  • It is mandatory to education to pave the way to justice, tolerance, and unity in the society and thereby cause global peace.
  • Social awareness must be produced through curricular and co-curricular activities so that a pious and righteous society may be established.
  • A sense of social rights and duties should be produced through education. A balanced society may be established in this way.
  • Education safeguards and transmits the social values. If education does not realize this mandatory responsibility, the social might have been removed and society might have been devoid of social values.
  • When the social values are practiced on a large scale in the society, they provide an opportunity to the anti-social phenomena to enter the social sphere. Education critically evaluates these anti-social phenomena. It discriminates the righteous values from the anti-social ones and takes measures to transmit the righteous ones to the next generations.
  • A society should know its past, present and probable future. It should keep an eye on the social conditions of the past so as to save the existing problems. Education observes the social problems from a variety of angels and consequently suggests appropriate solutions of these problems.

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