Thursday, 3 December 2015

How can the studies of individual differences help the educationists in curriculum development

The individual differences of the students are taken into consideration during the selection of content and other curricular activities. They are the individual differences which decide and organize the curricular activities for a particular level of education. The individual differences and curriculum are inter-related. The study of individual differences for the curriculists is significant due to the following points.

  • The study of individual differences guides the curriculists through the selection of content, activities and other behavioral skills corresponding to the abilities of the students.
  • The study of individual differences enables the curriculists to develop a curriculum having the ability to meet the individual and psychological needs of the students belonging to various socioeconomic classes.
  • The study of individual differences enables the curriculists to organize the curricular content keeping in view the abilities of the students. The curriculists also decide which content would be taught first and which would be taught later.
  • The study of individual differences enables the curriculists to evaluate the effects of the specific content on the students having varied mental abilities. The process of evaluation is conducted in order to get acquainted with those effects. 
  • The curricular activities must be compact and comprehensive. The study of individual differences enables the curriculists how to absorb the interests, tendencies and abilities of various individuals into the curriculum.

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