Saturday, 9 April 2016

Discuss the salient aspects of guidance coming out of the views of experts or Discuss the nature of the concept of guidance

Life has many dimensions. Likewise, there are several sides. of the process of guidance. It is directly connected with all the fields of life. During the study of the views of various scholars about guidance, we find out the following salient aspects of the concept of guidance.

  • Guidance is a process of helping a personal with his adjustment problems.
  • Guidance is a promotion of the growth of the individual in self-direction.
  • Guidance is a process which brings about positive changes in the individuals.
  • Guidance is a means of establishing relationship between a person’s total educational experiences and his personal needs and potentialities, in an effective manner. 
  • Guidance is essentially an educative process, the outcomes of which are mental and educational preparedness for courses of action centered round the basic functions of men especially those pertaining to vocational and social service fields.
  • Guidance involves the difficult art of helping the individuals to plan their own future wisely in the full light of the factors that can be mastered about themselves and about the world in which they are to live and work.
  • Guidance is a process of helping every individual through his own efforts.
  • Guidance is an assistance of an individual in finding his place in life.
  • Guidance is an individualized education which promotes the learner in all respects.
  • Guidance is an adjustment to the external environment.
  • Guidance is the activity of  making favorable, adjustments in the benefit of the individual.
  • Guidance assists in solving the problems that arise in life.
  • Guidance is concerned with all men of society. It is provided on formal request.
  • Guidance is a means of establishing relationship between a person’s total educational experiences and his personal needs and potentialities, in an effective manner.

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