Sunday, 10 April 2016

Discuss various types of guidance and also explain their relation with education

Life consists of many fields. Therefore, a person needs guidance in all the fields of life. The complex nature of man and life has become the concept of guidance broad and deep. For the convenience of the individuals and the advisers, the experts have divided the concept of guidance into the following categories which are
generally called ‘types of guidance’. These types include educational guidance, professional guidance, psychological guidance and social guidance. Let us discuss these types in turn.

Educational guidance : 

Educational guidance is a help which aims at adjusting the children. With the requirements of school and curriculum.
  • Educational guidance is concerned with the questions; how to develop the faculties of the student, what can they be made and what type of programs should be formulated to take advantages of educational opportunities. 
  • Educational guidance is primarily, concerned with such problems of education as are faced by the students studying different subjects.
  • Educational guidance is a process which is concerned with bringing about an individual with his distinctive characteristics on the one hand, and different opportunities on the other.
  • Educational guidance is concerned with the student’s success in his educational career. It is also related to the learners adjustment to the school and to the preparation and carrying out suitable educational plans in keeping with his educational needs, abilities and career interests.
  • Educational guidance is associated with the assistance given to the students in their choices and adjustments with relation to school curriculum and courses of school life. 
  • Educational guidance is intended to aid the individual in choosing an appropriate program of education and in making progress in it. 
All these definitions of educational guidance lay an emphasis on the assistance given to the students in the choice of such subjects as are in harmony with their needs and personal interests. To me, educational guidance enables the students to make proper choices of educational opportunities available to them. The main aim of educational guidance is to establish harmony between the potentialities of a student and the educational opportunities open to him. I opine that educational guidance is needed for all those individuals who have the desire for getting success in life.

Relationship between educational guidance and education :-

  • Educational guidance helps the students in the selection of subjects according to their own interests and tendencies.
  • Educational guidance allows the students to choose those subjects which give them practical knowledge. As a result, they will not have to face the stress of unemployment and can cam their livelihood. 
  • Education aims at the overall development of the individuals. Educational guidance helps a lot in achieving this target of  education by helping the individuals in choosing the correct educational opportunities.
  • Educational guidance provides valuable information and knowledge about different subjects and courses. This knowledge ensures the comprehensive development of the individuals. If there is a lack of information about the subjects, it will hinder the development of the individuals and the society as well.
  • Educational guidance helps in providing the educational opportunities to the students based on their abilities and performance.
  • Educational guidance helps the students in the selection of higher education institutions related to their particular areas of academic interest.

Professional guidance :

Professional guidance refers to the process of help in deciding a profession for an individual keeping in view his/her abilities and aptitude in order to maximize the possibilities or success in the opted profession.
  • Professional guidance is concerned with the assistance which is required for the selection of a profession and the possible success involved. 
  • Professional guidance is a formal procedure which aims at providing the necessary information regarding the selection of a profession, basic requirements of a profession and the opportunities of success associated with an opted profession. 
  • Professional guidance is a sort of guidance which is given to an individual by an expert person regarding the right choice of and right placement in some useful profession in life.
  • Professional guidance is the process of assisting the individual to choose an occupation, prepare for it, enter upon and progress in it. It is concerned primarily with helping individuals make decision and choices involved in planning a future and building a professional career.  
  • Professional guidance is an assistance to an individual in solving problems related to occupational choice and progress with due regard for the individual’s characteristics. 
  • Professional guidance is the process of helping a person to develop an integrated picture of himself and of his role in the world of work. 
I opine that professional guidance is needed for all those individuals who have the desire for getting success in their adopted professions.

Relationship between professional guidance and education :-

  • Professional guidance assists the student to acquire knowledge of the characteristics and functions of the professions within which their choice will probably lie.
  • Professional guidance enables the students to find what general and specific abilities are required for the occupations under consideration and what the entry requirements are for particular professions.
  • Professional guidance aids in believing that all honest labor is worth and lawful earning is worship.
  • Professional guidance assists the students in securing such information about himself, his abilities, interests and powers as he may need for a particular profession opted by him.
  • Professional guidance is imparted to the students with a view to realize them that success is purchased at the rate of effort and that satisfaction in job is derived from doing work honestly and competently.
  • Professional guidance is concerned with the professional planning according to the needs of the market.
  • Professional guidance helps the students in the selection of profession according to their natural abilities, tendencies and contemporary needs.

Psychological guidance : 

The term ‘psychological guidance’ is very broad in meaning and deep in nature. In this type of guidance, the client is cured of the negative activities such as suppressed needs, feelings and emotions through
psychological methods and normal interactive process.

  • Psychological guidance is concerned with the mental, psychological and maladjustment problems of an individual. It also suggests solutions to these problems. The balanced personality development is deeply connected with these problems. The mental and psychic health of the students is essential for the acquisition of the objectives of education. An individual may fall in psychological disorders if proper attention is not paid to the solution of his psychological problems. 
  • Psychological guidance is a process in which a psychologist discovers the problems” concerning with individual’s mind and behavior and thus suggests an appropriate solution so that he/she can secure the internal and external agreeableness.
  • Psychological guidance is the activity of helping the students in their emotional, cognitive and other psychological problems. It aims at producing fully adjusted individuals with the social needs. 
I opine that psychological guidance is needed for all those individuals who have the desire to find the solutions of their psychological and adjustment problems.

Relationship between psychological guidance and education :-

  • Psychological guidance program is designed to provide valuable information to the students passing through various stages of cognitive and psychological development.
  • Psychological guidance understands the personal emotional, and adjustment problems and thereby takes necessary Steps for their solutions.
  • Psychological guidance produces a state of harmony between the individual and the society following the solution of  the psychological problems of the concerned person.
  • Psychological guidance brings about the spirit of service for mankind in the adolescent boys and girls and thereby causes the fulfillment of the objectives of education.
  • Psychological guidance designs comprehensive plans for the identification and solution of the psychological illnesses of the individuals.
  • Psychological guidance provides valuable information regarding learning, memory, intelligence, forgetfulness and educational settings. This knowledge plays an important role in the better educational performance of the students.

Social guidance : 

Social guidance is such a formal aiding activity which aims at ensuring the acquisition of individual and collective social aims by producing harmony between person and society. Man’s survival largely depends on society. The society is necessary for the balance of his life. By means of education, an individual is hoped to be a useful citizen. Education can secure this aim only if a balanced adjustment and harmony is generated between an individual and, the society. Social guidance performs the function of balanced adjustment. 
  • Social guidance is a process by which a pleasant harmony between the individual and the society is produced so as to make the individual beneficial for the society.
  • Social guidance is concerned with indoctrination of social role in the individual.
  • Social guidance refers to the scientific process of character education and personality development corresponding to the social values. 
  • Man, society and life depend on each other. A pleasant balance among them leads to prosperity and global peace. Social guidance is a help of the individual in the establishment of this very pleasant balance. 
  • Social guidance aims at imparting the students those habits, traits, and attitudes which are socially desirable. Group discussions, organized socio-cultural activities, group-games and group therapy are the most commonly used techniques and procedures for administering social guidance. Children social organizations like Boy scouts and Girl guides are also used for imparting social education and guidance. 
I opine that social guidance is needed for all those, individuals who have the desire for performing
their positive social role in the society. 

Relationship between social guidance and education :-

  • Social guidance is directly concerned with the social aims of education. It helps greatly in the realization of the social concerns of education. To me, all education is a social guidance.
  • Social guidance plays a significant role in producing harmony between the interests of the individual and the society which is also a leading aim of education.
  • Social guidance enables an individual to perform his positive role in the society. This positive role of the individual paves the way to social prosperity and growth.
  • Social guidance is directly concerned with the sociological foundation of education. No system of education can set aside the social aspect of  education. As every education system is developed for a particular society.
  • Social guidance imparts the social values to the students and thereby enables them to take part in the collective social activities. In this way, social guidance aids in securing the basic social aim of education. 
  • Social guidance attempts to generate love for desirable social values and hatred for social evils and anti-social behaviors.

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