Friday, 11 March 2011

Statutory Report

The directors of company have to forward a report to each member at least 21 days before before the day in which the statutory meeting is to be held, is called the Statutory Report. Such report must be certified by not less than three directors, one of whom must be the chief executive of the company. A copy of statutory report must be filed with registrar's office immediately after forwarding it to the members of the Company.

Information Contained in Statutory Report

The statutory report must contain the following information's:-

1. Detail Share Allotment
Full detail in respect of total member of shares allotted i.e. fully of partly paid up otherwise in cash.

2. Summary of Cash Received
Summary of cash received in regard to shares allotted.

3. Receipts and Payment of Company
An abstract of the receipts and payment of the company made out up to date within seven days of the dale of the report.

4. List of Preliminary Expenses
Estimate of the preliminary expenses of the company.

5. Particular of the officers
The name, addresses and description of the directors, auditors, secretary and manager of the company.

6. Particular of Contract
The particular of any other contract the detail of the modification.

7. Particular of Commission
The particular of commission or brokerage on shares paid to any person.

8. Underwriting Contract
The particulars of any underwriting contract , if any.

9. List of Arrears
The arrears, if any due on calls from directors, managing agents and managers.

10. Execution of Underwriting Contract
The extent to which the underwriting contracts, if any have been carried out.

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