Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Discuss the various steps taken by government to encourage the agriculture sector or discuss the various measures adopted to promote agriculture sector

Following agricultural policies have been adopted by the government of Pakistan to promote the agriculture sector :

1. Land Reforms :-
In order to overcome the defects of land tenure systems, the government of Pakistan adopted land reforms in 1959 and 1972. These reforms have reduced the concentration of land ownership.

2. Irrigation Facilities :-
The government has constructed the various dams like, Mangla and Terbela. Various Barrages like Kotri, Taunsa and Guddu have been constructed to provide irrigation facilities to the framers.

3. Mechanization :-
The use of tractors and other machines is increasing. The government has encouraged the use of machinery in agriculture sector by providing the credit facility for machinery.

4. Storage Facility :-
The government has paid special attention to the storage facility and allocated sufficient amount for storage facility in the 8th five year plan.

5. Agriculture Price Policy :-
Agriculture price commission was set up in 1981 to recommended support prices for the agricultural output and prices are revised every year to increase the income of the farmer.

6. Input Price Policy :-
The government provides subsidies on fertilizers and machinery to encourage the framers in the previous years.

7. Credit Policy :-
The government is providing loans to the farmers through commercial banks, ADBP and the Federal Bank of Co-operative to the small farmers.

8. Agricultural Education :-
The agricultural college Faisalabad was set up to meet the agriculture sector needs which was later on turned into agricultural university. Two research institute were set up in Peshawar and Hyderabad. In the 8th five year plan adequate funds had been provided for agricultural research. Agricultural college is opened in Multan.

9. Agricultural Extension :-
The importance of extension work has been recognized by the government for improving agricultural production. In the 7th five year plan the NCA had proposed an allocation of sufficient amount for his service.

10. Plant Protection :-
The chemicals are mainly provided by the private sector for the plant protection. But government is also not careless and it has allocated sufficient amount for it in the 8th five year plan.

11. Improved Seeds :-
The government of Pakistan is making her utmost efforts to provide adequate supply of good quality of seeds to the framers. During the sixth five year plan a sum of Rs. 477 million were allocated and in 8th five year plan also sufficient amount was allocated.

12. Agricultural Marketing :-
To provide the proper return to the farmers PASSCO was established in 1973, In the 8th five year plan government had paid special attention to the marketing facilities.

13. Cooperative Farming :-
The government of Pakistan has encouraged the co-operative farming and had spent Rs. 65 million on the co-operatives.

14. Live Stock :-
It is an important sub-sector of our agriculture. It contributes about 30% of agriculture GDP. In the sixth five year plan sufficient amount was spent on this sector to improve the quality of live stock.

15. Soil Analysis :-
It is very useful for the better utilization of land. In the 7th and 8th five year plan planners have realized its importance.

16. Consolidation of Land :-
The government has issued the consolidation act to promote the efficiency of the framer and the productivity of land.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

add some more info about this it is not sufficient..