Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Difference between cheque and promissory note

We can distinguish between cheque and promissory note by the following facts :

1. Order And Promise :-

Cheque : It contains order to pay.

Promissory note : A promissory note contains promise to pay.

2. Number Of Parties :-

Cheque : In case of cheque there may be three parties, the drawer, drawee and payee.

Promissory note : In case of promissory note are only two parties, the maker and the payee.

3. Object :-

Cheque : Cheque is used because it is a simple and easy medium of exchange and serving of metalic money.

Promissory note : It is used for receiving and giving credit.

4. Crossing :-

Cheque : A cheque may be crossed.

Promissory note : A pro-note cannot be crossed.

5. Payable To Bearer :-

Cheque : A cheque is often drawn as payable to bearer.

Promissory note : A pro-note cannot be drawn payable to bearer.

6. Stop Payment :-

Cheque : Its payment can be stopped by giving the notice to the bank.

Promissory note : A pro-note payment can not be stopped if once issued.

7. Liability Nature :-

Cheque : In case of cheque when it is dishonoured, the drawer is liable.

Promissory note : In case of promissory note liability is primary.

8. Use Of Form :-

Cheque : It is drawn on a printed form issued by a particular bank.

Promissory note : Promissory note may be drawn on any paper and there is no need of any particular form.

9. Drawee :-

Cheque : A cheque is always drawn to a particular bank where account is available.

Promissory note : A promissory note can be drawn on any person.

10. Drawer and Payee :-

Cheque : In case of cheque drawee and payee can be the same person.

Promissory note : In case of pro-note there are two parties and maker cannot be the payee.


Aashish said...

It was really helpful. Thank you and please continue the good work. duc

Anonymous said...

Very useful comparison. this was helpful for my MBA

Unknown said...

its good matarial as for study concern .its helpfull for gain knpwlege from this thanks

Chic said...

Very helpful... Thanks!

Unknown said...

Very useful 4 for my assignment.! Thanks!

Conza said...

Very helpfull

Unknown said...

very usefull for me

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

it is very simple to understand. thanks

Unknown said...

May God bless you. Waiting for others. Thank you.