Thursday, 22 September 2011

Suggest a suitable system of internal check and internal control regarding the sale

Following are the important points which must be kept in view in case of internal control over sales :

1. Receipt Of Purchase Order :-
A ll the orders from the customers should be received in written. All the particular about the goods like name, date, and made of transport should be written in the order receive book. One copy of the order should be sent to dispatch department.

2. Checking Of Order :-
Before the dispatch of goods each order should be checked with its correspondence.

3. Sales Invoices Preparation :-
Sales invoices should be prepared in triplicate when the order is executed.

4. Invoices Checking :-
A responsible officer should check the calculations and prices charged will also initial that he has checked that work.

5. Copies Of Invoice :-
One copy of invoice will be sent to the buyer. Second copy to the invoice clerk to debit the account of the customer. Third copy is sent to the gate keeper.

6. Properly Numbered :-
Consecutively each invoice should be numbered and before dispatch responsible officer should sign on it.

7. Dispatching Of Goods :-
An official should check the goods before packing and compare them with order.

8. Entries In Book :-
At the gate all the packages should be entered in the good out ward book by the gate keeper. Against each entry the number of sales invoice must be shown in the goods outward book.

9. Entry Of Returned Goods :-
Some times goods are being returned by the customer due to any reason. Gate keeper must enter such returns in the goods inward book. Such record must be checked with the debit notes sent by the customer. In this way proper control should be maintained.

10. Entries From The Credit Notes :-
From the credit notes entries must be made in the returns inward book from which the customers accounts concerned will be credited.

11. Collection Of Receipt :-
In this regard there should be a strict control on the collections of customers accounts. Customers should be immediately in form of about the difference in the balance founded any time.

12. Proper Record :-
In the process of sale all the officers and officials initials must be recorded.

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