Sunday, 30 October 2011

Main qualities of a professional auditor

Following are the essential qualities of an auditor :

1. Professionally Competent :-
It is a basic quality of an auditor. He must have a complete and thorough knowledge of the accountancy. To understand the accounting details he can apply his knowledge and skill. It is only possible if he has a sound background in accountancy and he is professionally competent.

2. Honest :-
It is also very important quality of an auditor. Justice Hindley says "An auditor must be honest. He must not certify what he does not believe to be true and he must take a reasonable care and skill before he believes that what he certifies is true.

3. Auditing :-
An auditor's knowledge of auditing must be upto date. He must know the techniques of auditing. He must have the knowledge of other subjects relating to auditing.

4. Accounting Knowledge :-
The auditor should be at home in all the management accounting cost accounting and general accounting.

5. Knowledge Of Business Law :-
An auditor must possess a considerable knowledge of business law. He must be aware about his duties and rights given by law.

6. Knowledge Of Taxation Law :-
Various types taxes are imposed by the government on the business. For example in some countries Income tax, sales tax, gift tax is imposed. So if auditor has not a considerable knowledge about the taxation. He can not perform his services properly.

7. Computer Expert :-
The auditor must be able to operate the computer. Today the business organizations are using computers. If auditor does not know to use computer, he cannot work efficiently.

8. Knowledge Of management System :-
The auditor must have the knowledge of management information system. It helps him to understand the internal set up of the business concern and its operation.

9. Preparation Of Budget :-
The auditor must know that how the organization prepares the budget. If he does not know then it will be not possible for him to audit the various heads of the budget.

10. Intelligent :-
It is also important quality of an auditor that he should be intelligent. He must be able to understand the technical details of any business.

11. Qualification :-
For a professional auditor it is necessary that he should be charted accountant. According to companies ordinance it is essential qualification for auditor.

12. Tactful :-
In a particular situation auditor should deal tactfully. He should ask the questions in such a manner that it does not show about his ignorance or weakness.

13. Maintain Secrecy :-
The auditors nature of work is confidential. He should maintain secrecy from others about the affairs of his client.

14. Patience :-
There should be a quality of patience in the auditor. Before signing on any paper he should check the evidence and then sign it. He never checks the papers in hurry.

15. Critical Attitude :-
It is also very essential quality of the auditor. He should examine the statements critically. He should ask the various questions from the client and try to find contradictions.

16. Bold And Courageous :-
Auditor should be bold and courageous person. He should not be influenced by any authority. He should possess the courage to face the difference of opinion between him and client on any issue.

17. Courteous :-
It is an important quality which the auditor should possess. His attitude towards the staff of client should be very humble and polite. He should also stress on his own staff to be courteous with the client.

18. Independent :-
The auditor should be impartial. He should not have such relations with the organization which may affect his independence. He should give his opinion independently.

19. Common Sense :-
The auditor must have the quality of common sense and judgement. He may be able to assess the value of depreciation and bad debts.

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