Wednesday, 12 September 2012

What are those precautions which a banker should adopt before opening an account

Various precautions which must be observe by the banker before opening a new account are following :

1. Introduction :-
Before opening an account the banker should obtain satisfactory introduction from the applicant. If a new account is opened with out introduction it may create problems for the bankers.

2. Signature Of The Customer :-
A banker must obtain specimen signatures on account opening form and also on the card.

3. Importance Of Form :-
The account opening form is an important document it must be filled neatly and correctly.

4. Personal Information About The Customers :-
All the time of opening an account the banker should get the information about the character and capital of the customers tactfully.

5. Opening With Cash :-
New account should be opened only with cash. In case of cheque it may create any problem for the banker.

6. The Issuance Of A Cheque Book :-
Cheque book should not be issued to the new customer unless there is a reasonable balance in the account.

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