Thursday, 23 October 2014

Define in detail about Mores and also discuss the importance of mores

Mores :-

Mores are strong norms of a society. Going against mores, is called destruction of morals and has a serious reaction of society.
Mores are a standard or a yardstick of right or wrong which oblige the individual to abide by these and prevent from opposing against those. Individuals of a society believe in this because of their being a guarantee of survival and welfare of the society. Mores do not come into existence by conscious efforts of
individuals of a society but such behaviours that are useful and favourite for the society, gradually find way in the society but after that societies do conscious efforts to keep those current because mores are a necessary behaviour as what is to be done or what is not to be done.

Definition :                        
W.G. Summer :
   "Mores are such ways and manners which are derived for the welfare of a society and these force the people to abide by."
   Mores are higher than Folk ways with reference to stability and importance and the societies demand from individuals to abide by them because the stability and welfare depend acting upon mores. Through these are not in written form, however, poverty, literature, stories and morals are full of these
According to C.H. Persell : "Mores strongly held social norms a violence of which causes a sense of moral outrage."

 Importance of Mores

1. Assistance to Social Control :
   Mores provide guidance to individuals of a society to adopt an approved behaviour of different occasions of social life, keeping the social values stable and making the relation of respect among individuals very strong. Harmony is promoted and social discipline becomes strong. In a Pakistani home, before entering, permission is necessary and this is a mores which maintains the regard and respect of the home and its residents. If this mores are opposed, quarrels and fights are likely to take place. Enmities are created and social discipline is difficult to maintain.

2. Preservation of Cultural Integrity :
   Mores are safeguards of culture, keeping the cultural traits and complexes safe from the social changes. Mores make deviation.a danger for cultural integrity by fixing a standard of desirable and undesirable as a result of that, social reaction becomes violent. By discouragement of deviation, cultural values are saved from outrage. In Indian and Pakistani society, arranged marriage is a mores but because of industrial progress, expansion of urban societies, education and so-called freedom, there was a danger of outrage of this mores but to save this mores, the society reacted violently. Literary writers, dramatists and common people of the society showed hatred and because of this tendency of discouragement, the cultural integrity remained safe for serious disintegration.

3. Decrease in Social Deviation : 
Mores are an important source of pointing out social vices because deviating behaviour decreases respect of the individual in the society. Social relations are seriously affected and social disapproval is increased. An individual fails a prey to loneliness and mental depression and tries to save oneself from deviating activities and other members of the Society learn a lessen from him and want to avoid the vices and this in turn decreases the incidents of deviation. In Indian and Pakistani society, drinking and gambling are social vices because of norms, such people are not included in the collective decisions for welfare and thus their respect is injured and as a result of the society they try to avoid consciously from I these Visas and societies are saved from disintegration.

4. Stability in Social Relations :
Mores are a source of mutual respect among individuals of a society.Relations become pleasant. The distinction between good and bad helps in the discouragement of vices. The fear of punishment, social pressure and beating-as a result of deviation from‘mores, helps in making the social discipline strong which
creates a strength and confidence in the relations of individuals of a society. In Indian and Pakistani society, respect for women and sanctity of places of worship are mores. Anyone who opposes these mores, people react against that individual strongly by protesting, by showing anger and condemning, as a result of this reaction mutual regard is promoted, confidence is increased and social relations are strengthened.

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