Thursday, 23 October 2014

Define the laws in formal norms and what are the importance and functions of laws

Formal Norms

Laws :
Laws are the social norms which are in written form, the manner of their application is fixed and for any deviation-from them, punishment is fixed within certain limits. In the law, proper and improper behaviours are defined. The laws are formal by consultation 'to.control the situation which is dangerous for the stability and integrity of a society.

“Law is the body of rules, made by the Government for the society, interpreted by the courts and backed by the power of the state." (Comings and Wise 1985)

Definition by RT. Schaefer :
“The collection of rules and regulation to keep peace and stability in the society and backed by the power of the state are called laws.”

Characteristics :
1. These are in Written form.
2. Government formulates them by mutual consultation with people.
3. To enforce these laws state powers (Police, Armed forces and Administration) is used.
4. There are organized institutions to punish the defaulters.

 Importance and Functions of Laws

1. Enforcement of Peace and Security :
   The basic aim of law is to maintain law and order. The state establishes law-enforcing departments to ensure the security of the society, to enable the people to do their social activities. Armed forces institution not only provides security from external dangers but also helps to restore the serious situations of law and order.

2. Provision of Justice :
   Laws play an important role in keeping social balance because to prevent cruel people from doing cruelty is important function of law. Moreover, catching, getting punished by presenting in the court of law by making criminals, put in jails all the terrorists, murderers, dacoits and thieves is also the function of law to keep society peace and security. Providing justice to the society is the guarantee of the welfare and survival of the society.

3. Promotion of Social.Equality :
   All societies of the world are divided into different grades in respect of economic resources and power authority. The rich and the poor, the weak and the strong are part of every society. Laws provide such a mechanism in the society which tries to balance, this difference and with reference to restriction of social
norms is finished by law. Law tries to maintain an atmosphere of equality in society to establish a peaceful environment just as red light in traffic signal stops all and none is to complain of any violation of right or injustice.

4. Social Solidarity :
   Laws are a strong. mean to keep social solidarity because Govt. makes such laws to be enforced the defaulter's and deviators are controlled through organized institutions steps. Laws are to protect society from dangers of terrorism and fraud because such incidents cause fear and insecurity and laws play an important role to prevent from these incidents effectively and fully and thus provide solidarity to a society making the social activities and relations strong.

5. Social Guidance :
   Norms have an important aim to provide social occasions and guidance and laws are written in formal norms and provide an effective guidance. Laws are the only source of social system that guide the individuals even in very uncertain conditions to adopt a rational attitude to bring an end to the uncertain conditions and provide a positive direction of thinking and protect from terror. For example, in case of murder or dacoity, instead of taking some step or being disappointed, laws provide courage and discipline to the individuals and by Govt. (Police, Judiciary) provided help is a way of getting rid of cruelty and restore the confidence of the society.

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