Thursday, 18 December 2014

Importance and objectives of features


1. Entertainment :
Feature is the only writing of the newspaper which explains the events happenings in an interesting way with the pictures while column and editorial do not have this element.

2. Explanation :
Feature explains the event, things with its fill description and analyses its facts and figures and presents the issue with the reference of background past, present and future.

3. Guidance :
It guides the people by informing about the current issues or any new information related with important personality, event, historical monument etc. and describes the facts with their pictures.

4. Individuality :
Feature discusses the problems of our everyday life including national and international issues but the main quality of feature is that it lies emphasis on individual problems also. Problems of individual also become the subject of feature with their solutions as in the end of the feature. Feature writer draws conclusion in which he
presents the solution of the problem.

5. Criticism :
In the feature, elements or different factors of problems, either these are problems of any individual, national or international level are pointed out. Feature writer points out the factors involved in the background of our everyday life and tries to draw the attention of the people towards these factors.

6. Fictional Touch :
Feature is the only writing of the newspaper in which we find fictional colour as things and events are described in an interesting way. Different aspects of life are presented in story-like style.

7. Pictures and Illustrations :
Pictures, illustrations, sketches are very important component of the feature. Without these, components or elements feature is to be considered incomplete. But the important thing is that pictures, illustrations and sketches should be related to the topic of the feature. Because these elements are used in the feature for increasing its beauty. So it should be selected carefully according to the subject and format of the feature.

8. Graphs and Tables : 
In the feature writing, we also include the graphs and tables for making the. information concerned with the topic, reliable and understandable for the people.

9. Creativity :
Feature is a creation of a feature writer in‘which writer organizes his creativeness with the facts and aspects of life.

10. Accountability :
Through feature writing, a newspaper keeps the check on the activities of government, on one hand and upon the people on the other. Because feature can be Written on any issue with its detailed description including pictures, graphs and tables of facts and figures.

1 l. A Link between the Government and the People :
Feature is a link between the government and the people as it informs both of Sam about each other’s problems. And let them to come near each other.

12. Human Interest :
Feature is the writing, written for the general people so the first preference of the feature writer is human interest element. He tries to write a feature on the topic in which more people are interested. While serious and dry topics are also presented in an interesting way.

13. Awareness :
Feature informs us about reality and brings to us the hidden aspects of the particular issue with the analysis of its facts and figures and presents in the form of tables, graphs and pictures also. So the basic purpose is to make us well informed and develop the sense of awareness among us.

14. Politeness :
In a feature, we often find the element of politeness as things and events are presented in an interesting way with little bit of politeness.

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