Saturday, 20 December 2014

Role and Importance of Radio


In the present age, “Radio” is known as an effective and important medium of mass communication. Radio is more effective than Press and TV. We can understand the role and importance of Radio by knowing its characteristics and qualities which are as under:

1. Easy Usage :
As we know, Radio is the only mass media which can reach everywhere either it is rural area or an urban area, its transmission can be listened everywhere, on the other side, it is portable, easy to carry where we are going, for example, a farmer can carry his transmitter to the farm and listens Radio programmes in his fields also.

2. Source of Information :
Radio is the fastest medium of mass communication by which information is disseminated all over the world within seconds, even in those areas where TV. and press cannot reach.

3. Religious Information :
Through Radio, we get every type of information. Radio broadcasts many religious programmes in which different scholars come and discuss the problems of our everyday life with the reference of our religion so, we come to know the role of religion and its implications in different fields of our life.

4. News Bulletin :
The main quality of Radio is that it broadcasts news bulletin in all the languages where all types of news are included in the news bulletin, for example, news bulletin is based on regional, local, national and international news and topic wise it may be political, religious, social, cultural, showbiz, weather, sports, etc. So we get all types of information through the news bulletin of Radio.

5. Entertainment :
Besides the informative role, Radio plays another important role which is to entertain the listeners and Radio performs its duty by broadcasting dramas, musical programmes, liked by the listeners'and they take a lot of interest in these programmes.

6. Programmes of Science :
Programmes on science are also an important part of Radio programmes by which we get the knowledge about science. In these programmes, scientific terms are explained in the simple language for listeners’ understanding.

7. Political Awareness :
Radio programmes related to the government, different political leaders and their parties besides their parties moto and slogan create political awareness among the listeners and we come to know about the political condition of the country, On the other side, this type of programmes bring political awareness among the people in this sense that they become aware of their political rights.

8. Propaganda :
Radio is an important tool of government by which government propagates its policies and makes the mind of people in the favour of government. While propaganda against other nations or political parties by government is done also through the Radio, that's why government keeps the hold of Radio in its own hands.

9. The Cheapest Source of Mass Communication :
Once we buy'the radio set, then it goes on year to year without any cost and we can receive the radio transmission free of cost.

10. A Link between the Government and the People :
Radio plays a role of bridge between the government and the people as Radio conveys the message of government to’the people and thoughts, views of people to the government. That’s why it is known as a link between the government and the people.

11. 24-Hour Service :
Radio provides 24 hours services to its listeners as Radio programmes including news bulletin broadcast 24 hours a day without any break.

12. Variety of Languages :
We find variety of languages in the Radio programmes, as, programmes of almost all languages, especially languages like Punjabi, Hindi and Urdu also are presented on radio.

13. Historical Programmes :
Programmes about the history of also presented on Radio to increase the knowledge of history among people, and let them be aware of their historical background of their country, nation and religion also.

14. Publicity :
Radio is also used for the purpose of publicity. As different companies, organizations buy time of the Radio for their advertisements. And these advertisements run on the particular time, bought by the company. While it is also used for the publicity purpose by the government.

15. Public Opinion :
Radio forms the public opinion by informing them about current events. And talk shows, forums are presented to make public opinion in the specific way. So public opinion can be moulded into a particular way through radio.

16. To Promote International Relations :
Radio promotes international relations by presenting programmes based on good opinion, about other nations and promotes friendly relations of our country with other countries.

17. Criticism :
Through Radio programmes, criticism of people and the factors involved in the problems oriented issues are also discussed in the programmes of Radio and news bulletin of Radio also.

18. Social Welfare :
Social welfare means the welfare of society where different programmes of social welfare are broadcast on the Radio including educational, agricultural programmes, cultural programmes etc.

19. Promotion of Ethical Values :
Through radio, ethical values are promoted among the people, the teachings of religion about ethics, are also presented and promoted.

20. Guidance :
Radio is an important source of guidance for the people without any difference of rich and poor and provides them a proper guide line by informing them about current issues, current situation and also present solution of these problems.

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