Thursday, 22 January 2015

Compare electronic journalism and newspapers


Radio and television are important media of communication which had opened the new era of communication, newspapers are also important.

1. Immensity :
Electronic journalism has one important element that is immensity which means vastness of coverage. Television and radio cover all the areas of the country while newspapers reach only in those areas which have roads and transport. But the programmes of TV and radio do not rely on transport. Especially Radio-as it can be heard where areas are not electrified. So immensity of coverage is the main quality of electronic journalism while newspapers do not have this quality.

2. International Coverage and Programmes :
Radio and television broadcast programmes of international level. Programmes of TV are seen in various countries through satellite and radio programmes are also listened in our neighbouring countries while newspapers are limited in the specific area.

3. Language :
Radio and television broadcast programmes in different languages including regional, national and international level.
News bulletins of TV and radio are broadcast in Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, English and Arabic and other languages.
Newspaper is published in only one language, either in Hindi, Urdu or English, it does not consist more than one languages.

4. Communiqueness :
News of television and radio have more communique expression than newspapers. Radio and TV give the expression of face to face communication but newspapers do not have such expressions and impressions.

5. Source of “Reference” or “Record” :
Radio and television cannot be used as a proof or record of any event but a newspaper can be read many times and used as a reference of any event. But television and radio are the fastest ways of communication so we cannot easily keep the record of TV or radio’s news.

6. Policy :
In most countries, specially radio and television are national channels, meaning that they are under the hold of government as their policy is formed by government, in simple words policy of government is the ‘policy of Radio and TV, while newspapers are independent, they have their own policy without any restriction although journalism has also its own laws and codes of ethics. So except those laws, there are no other laws or restrictions. But National TV and Radio  cannot broadcast anything against the will of the government.

7. News Presentation :
News of newspapers are different from the news of radio and television. Although sources of news are the same in both, i.e., print journalism and electronic journalism. But the difference is that radio and television news are comprehensive and to the point. In fact, radio is known as a medium to broadcast news within the moments of receiving it. While news of newspaper can be read any time and many times also. On the
ether side, readers can select news of their own interest and may be used as a proof.
Newspapers also publish those news which are ignored by radio and television, for example, regional news.

8. Live Programmes :
Television and radio has one advantage that both broadcast live programmes like live coverage and running commentary of matches. But newspapers get published once in a day. So we do not find this quality in them.

9. Representation of General People :
As we know, National television and radio are under the hold of the government, so both channels of communication mostly present the views of government. But newspapers are owned by general people and present the ideas, suggestions, views and their problems. As every newspaper has special column in which letters to editor are published. These letters are written by public, discuss problems individually as well as collectively. In simple words, people contribute in the newspapers more than in radio and television. So we can say that newspapers are the representative of people while radio and television are representatives of the government.

10. Entertainment :
Entertainment-wise, radio and television are more effective and impressive than newspapers. Radio and television broadcast musical programmes, dramas, stage shows but newspapers have‘no such a facility, although newspapers are published interesting features but they are not as entertaining as programmes of radio and television.

11. Education :
Radio and television broadcast special programmes for educating the people as TV telecasts programmes of different educational courses and the basic purpose behind these programmes is to make people educated. But newspapers publish only the edition of education which is not as effective as educational programmes of television.

12. Fastness :
Radio and television are the fastest ways of communication by which news bulletin is broadcast many times in a day.
On the other side, news bulletins are presented in different regional, national and international languages for the purpose of conveying the news to the more and more people. But newspapers are slow medium of communication published in one language and once in a day.

13. Propaganda :
Electronic media are very important tools of propaganda especially at international level. In case of counter propaganda, TV plays very important role to answer the propaganda of other countries. It is also the fact that newspapers are also used for propaganda and publicity but only at local and national level. While television and radio are very effective tools at international level.

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