Saturday, 31 January 2015

Write a note on Objectivity


Objectivity is not only factual presentation, but the most important principle of the modern journalism. It is the foremost duty or function of the journalism to operate its activity by factual presentation, without mingling it with personal views and opinions. It should be presented in unbiased unprejudiced form and in an impassioned manner. It must remain in its pristine state. The objectivity of the news is marred, if partiality creeps in. News should be shared of all slanting and shading, which entails careful and scrupulous handling on the past of the experienced report. In this connection, a reporter has un-learn his previous habits of writing and losing his individuality, and learn afresh the technique of infusing objectivity, in order to shift the facts through careful and conscientious handling of the news. From the pile of information and facts received
newspapers’ own sources and other news agencies, it becomes very difficult to shift the factual position but an experienced newsman does succeed in composing the information in objective manner.

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