Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Elaborate the conditions of learning or Discuss in detail the factors which influence the process of learning

Conditions of learning are those factors that affect the learning process positively or negatively. The fulfillment of these conditions of learning is necessary for the effective process of learning. To me, following are the significant conditions of learning :

Readiness : 

Readiness is a position of preparedness in which an organism is set to actor to respond. To me, readiness is a state of a person under which he/she is in a position to profit from some experience.
Readiness refers to a state of a person under which he/she is in a position to profit from some experience. It is a basic condition of learning. Nobody can learn unless he is mentally ready to learn. The role of readiness in the learning process is narrated in the following points :

  • The process of learning is ineffective and unproductive without readiness.
  • Readiness steps up the pace of learning of the individual.
  • Readiness makes the learning of the individual durable and long-lived.
  • Readiness positively also influences upon other conditions of learning.
  • The signs cf readiness from the students persuade the teacher to get involved in the process of instruction. 

Motivation : 

Motivation refers to a condition that energizes behavior and gives it direction. Avoid from punishment, acquisition of reward, success in the examination, obtaining high social status and striving for being a successful member of the society are the sources of motivation for a student. Motivation is one of the basic conditions of learning which influences upon the process of learning. The role of motivation in
the learning process is narrated in the following points : 
  • Motivation persuades the-students to take part in the process of learning.
  • Motivation is a tool which drives the students to learn. 
  • Motivation generates the feelings of commitment and enthusiasm for learning.
  • Motivation makes the individual restless and untiring till lie/she gets his/her goal.
  • The motives like punishment, reward or appreciation play significant role in the success of the educative process.

Interest : 

Psychologically speaking, interest is an inner mental state by which an individual feels, pleasure in doing a particular task. With this state of mind, an individual exhibits excellent performance in the educational affairs. A student cannot reap the benefit from the instructional process in the absence of interest. The role of interest in the learning process is narrated in the following points :
  • An individual can learn a task quickly due to the element of interest.
  • The instructional process can be made effective due to interest.
  • The interest is like an inner desire of the student which enables: him/her to succeed in the educative process.
  • The students take interest in different activities at different stages of life.
  • The girls and boys vary in interests.
  • An individual can have mastery over a skill due to the element of interest.
  • The interest, as a condition of learning, expands the scope of learning.
  • The instructional objectives cannot be achieved without the element of interest.
  • Interest makes the instructional process effective and durable.

Attention : 

Attention refers to the selective aspect of perception which functions so that at any instant an organism focuses on certain features of the environment to the exclusion of other features. Without the element of attention in the process of instruction, the teacher and student cannot get the goals associated with the process of learning. The role of attention in the learning process is narrated in the following points :
  • Attention increases the pace of attention.
  • Attention produces harmony between stimulus and response.
  • Attention, as a condition of learning, brings about the acquisition of the objectives of the instructional process.
  • Attention ensures the involvement of the students in the instructional process.
  • Attention is a source of developing harmony between the cognitive abilities of the individual and the external influences.

Attitude : 

Attitude refers to favorable or unfavorable evaluations of reactions to objects, people, situations or other aspects of the world. To me, attitude is a learned tendency to respond to the individuals or institutions in a positive or negative way.
Attitude refers to a learned tendency to respond to people or institutions in a positive or negative way. For instance, a person dislikes smoking. This mental condition of hatred regarding smoking will be termed as attitude. Sometimes, we observe that a student has particular negative emotions for a particular teacher. The
educationists hold that these emotions are, in fact, an attitude of the student for a particular teacher. The positive or negative attitude of an individual, definitely, affects the process of learning. The role of readiness in the learning process is narrated in the following points :
  • If a student has negative attitudes towards a subject or a teacher, the process of learning would not be succeeded in obtaining the expected objectives.
  • The attitudes are, primarily, concerned with the values. If the process of learning does not agree with the fundamental values, it would bring about negative results.
  • The attitudes are, generally, acquired and learned. They are result of interaction between the individual and the environment. Some attitudes become the part of the individual’s personality during the learning process.

Meaningfulness : 

Meaningfulness refers to the productivity and effectiveness of a tasks or idea. The students do not take interest in learning the tasks Which lack meaningfulness. To me, meaningfulness is the basic condition of learning. The process of learning is an unproductive activity without fulfilling this basic condition of learning. For examples, if the children are told interesting stories, they will remember them for long because they would be meaningful for them. On contrary, if the children are told unordered stories, they would not be able to remember them for long because the told content is meaningless for them. The role of readiness in the
learning process is narrated in the following points :
  • Meaningfulness makes the process of learning interesting.
  • Meaningfulness makes the learning process durable and effective.
  • Meaningfulness brings about critical and creative abilities in the students.
  • Meaningfulness deepens and expands the learning of the students.
  • Meaningfulness enables the students to remember the learned content for long.

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