Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Discuss the objectives of curricular evaluation in your own words

The educationists hold that curricular evaluation is an essential element of a system of education. This is the clement which tells the teacher and the educational administrator about the extent of those acquainted objectives of curriculum for which the instructional process was carried out. Without the curricular evaluation, nobody can know whether or not the curricular destiny has been achieved. Curricular evaluation is, in fact, an act of accountability. The following points are notable regarding the statement of the objectives of curricular evaluation in the educative process :-

• Curricular evaluation tells us whether or not the objectives of curriculum have been achieved for which the instructional process was carried out.

• Curricular evaluation makes us aware whether the expectations associated with the students have been realized or not following the teaching of the content.

• Curricular evaluation gives valuable information regarding the development of various aspects of the individual's personality.

• The results of curricular evaluation tell the teacher about the present situation of the student.

• Due to the process of curricular evaluation, a teacher can know where does a student stand? What is his/her educational performance and how can his/her performance be improved?

• Curricular evaluation reflects the performance of the teacher. The findings of curricular evaluation speak of the role of teacher in the instructional process. It also throws light on the extent to which the students get themselves advantage of the teacher's ability.

• The results of curricular evaluation throw light of the defects of the curricular content. The curricular content is modified and reformed in the light of the findings of curricular evaluation.

• Curricular evaluation is a tool for measuring the effects of a particular method of teaching on the instructional process. The results of curricular evaluation speak of the extent of effectiveness of a method of teaching for the instruction of a particular content.

• The findings of curricular evaluation throw light on the performance of various elements of education in the educative process. These findings enable to evaluate the possibilities of increasing the performance of the elements of education.

• Curricular evaluation helps in judging the harmony between the psychological needs of the students and the content imparted. It also indicates how much interest the "students took during the instruction of a particular content.

• Curricular evaluation makes the teacher aware of the experiences, observation and practical skills of the students. This enables the teacher to guide the students in deciding their tracks of practical life.

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