Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Briefly explain the significance of educational evaluation and assessment in detail

Evaluation is concerned with all the activities of life. Naturally, all human beings think about their successes and failures in life. This human thinking and consideration has given birth to the concept of evaluation. Evaluation helps the individuals to determine a future course of action. Evaluation, as an activity, points out the mistakes committed by an individual and the ways to avoid from them in future. The significance of educational evaluation and assessment is highly acknowledged which has been addressed in the following lines :-

Acquisition of objectives of education :- 

The process of educational evaluation makes the teachers and the educational administration acquainted with the extent to which the objectives of education have been achieved. Practical skills and activities are conducted for the realization of objectives of education. The process of evaluation is necessary in order to know the extent to which these activities have helped in obtaining the educational objectives. To me, evaluation is a mirror in which the degree of the realized objectives of education is reflected.

Emergence of behavioral changes :- 

This is one of the significant aims of education is to produce behavioral changes in the individuals. An organized effort is made in terms of the educative process to produce the behavioral changes in the individual. But the question arises here how to measure the range, extent and degree of the occurred behavioral changes. The process of educational evaluations answers to these questions. We can know by means of the process of educational evaluation about the extent of expected behavioral changes.

Educational planning :- 

The results of educational evaluation indicate the present and achieved educational performance of the students. It also points out the defects in the educative process, performance of the teacher and the extent of success of the education policies. Keeping in view all these facts and educational affairs, the education system plans for better future educational strategies.

Determination of explicit direction :- 

The results of educational evaluation guide the educative process to the clear destination. There might have been many defects in the instructional process, over expectations regarding the effectiveness of the curricular content and elements failed to bring about the desired results. The results of educational evaluation unfold all these defects. The educational administration devises an explicit and modified strategy for the process of education in the light of the afore-said defects.

Academic achievement :- 

A teacher can know the level/degree of educational achievement of a student by means of evaluation. During the process of instruction, a student is imparted various information and skills. The process of educational evaluation allows the teacher to know how much the imparted information and skills have become the part of the personality of the students. The level of educational achievement indicates the extent of the occurred behavioral changes in the students. If the process of educational evaluation does not exist, we might not be able to know the degree of educational achievement of the students. If we wish to suggest a course of action for the students, we will have to evaluate their performance properly.

Motivation :- 

Motivation is an inner state which persuades an individual to act. There is a motivation behind every action of the individual. When a person is motivated, there is some unseen force which is pushing him to act. This force is termed as motivation in the terminology of education. The process of educational evaluation motivates the students to get success. The success in the examination is the only motivation which activates them to perform well in the process of evaluation.

Educational research :- 

The outcomes of educational research are used in educational research. The necessary modifications and reforms are made on the bases of observations of the teachers, results of mental tests and examination results of the students. The educational research takes the findings of evaluation to the laboratory and devises the future educational programs in a comprehensive manner.

Class promotion :- 

The students are promoted to the next classes on the basis of the results of evaluation. The results of evaluation tell the whole story of students mastery of the content and whether they should be promoted to the next classes or not. If the process of promotion to the next class suspends, the system of education might have been inactive and static and unmoved. In this regard, all the experts acknowledge the significance of educational evaluation. This is the only valid means of promoting the students in the next classes.

Grading :- 

By means of  the findings of educational evaluation, a teacher can know the grade of a student in comparison to the other students. When the performance of a student is compared to the other students, it determines the educational grade of the student. Grading of the students is a sensitive process. The process of evaluation helps in grading the students scientifically. Grading of the students enables a teacher to determine the educational status of the student. What a student can do? Aid what should he/she select for him/herself? These are the questions which are directly concerned with the educational evaluation.

Selection of subjects and professions :- 

The students of a class possess different abilities and tendencies. Particular professions and subjects suit particular students due to the individual differences among the students. The natural tendencies and the choices of the students cannot be alike. A teacher can know about the natural trends of the students by means of the results of the educational evaluation. In the light of the results of educational evaluation, the teacher can guide the students regarding the selection of professions and subjects. 

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