Monday, 29 August 2011

Discuss the rights given to workers in the industrial law and also discuss the exceptions of law

1. Right Of Association :-

Industrial law grant the right of association to the workers and employers. They can make or join any union without any permission from the government. They may also frame their construction. They can elect their representatives and they are also free to join and federation. They may also join the international organizations of workers. In case of registration of trade unions some families are required otherwise there is no need.

2. Collective Bargaining :-

The main objective of the industrial law is to provide the chance of collective bargaining to the workers because the individual bargaining power is very poor. Due to this they are unable to receive the proper reward of their services.

3. Improvement In Service Conditions :-

The important feature of industrial law is to improve the service conditions of the workers. It improves the financial condition of the workers and provides security.

4. Solves Grievances :-

Industrial law also solves the grievances of the workers.

5. National Industrial Relations Commission :-

The law also provides for setting up of a permanent quasi-judicial national industrial relation commission to solve the labour and management problems.

6. Appointment Of Auditor :-

Under some conditions industrial law provides an authority to the workers to appoint an auditor who would be paid by the management.

7. Workers Representation :-

According to law upto fifty percent representatives of the workers will be associated with the management.

8. Shop Steward :-

At the lowest level law introduces the system of shop steward will work as a link between the workers and management. He will explain the workers point of view to the management.

9. Unfair Practical Not Allowed :-

In the industrial law it is declared that no any party ( employer and worker ) can indulge itself in the unfair practices.

10. Discipline Condition :-

Unrest in the industry is very harmful for the economy. So the new provision of law also provide the peaceful conditions in the factory. These are disciplining the trade unions and workers t perform their duties in various sectors.

11. Role Of Registrar :-

Under the provision of law it is the important function of registrar to determine that which trade unions is entitled for registration as an agent of collective bargaining.


The industrial law covers all the workmen employed in industrial establishment except the following :

1. Defence Services.

2. Ordinance factory maintained by the central government.

3. Administration of the state.

4. Police services.

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