Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Define these terms, 1. Minor, 2. Adult, 3. Dependent, 4. Partial Disablement, 5. Total Disablement

1. Minor :-
Any person below the age of 15 years is called minor.

2. Adult :-
Any person above 15 years of age is called adult.

3. Dependent :-
Following relatives of the deceased workman are called dependent who are not required to prove that they are dependent.

1. Wife.
2. Son.
3. Unmarried daughter.
4. Widow's Mother.

While some are those who required to prove that they are dependent. Those are following :

1. Parents.
2. Unmarried Sister.
3. Widowed Sisters.
4. Illegitimate Son.
5. Minor Child of deceased and daughter.

4. Partial Disablement :-
It means that injury which reduces the earning capacity of the workman in the employment in which he was engaged at the time of accident. In this case the earning capacity of the worker reduces 20% to 60%. It has two kinds :

i. Temporary Partial Disablement :- In this case partial disablement is temporary. The earning capacity reduces for short time.

ii. Permanent Partial Disablement :- In this case earning capacity of the worker reduces for ever.

5. Total Disablement :-
In this case, a workman becomes completely disable to perform all those works which he was performing before the disablement. In this case more than 60% earning capacity is destroyed.

Example :- If the two hands or two legs or two eyes are spoil it will be called total disablement. It has two kinds :

i. Temporary Total Disablement :- If the disablement of the worker is for a temporary period and later on it removes it is called temporary total disablement.

ii. Permanent Total Disablement :- It is called permanent total disablement when earning capacity of the worker reduces for ever.

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