Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Define these terms, 1. Payment Of Wages, 2. Payment Of Bonus, 3. Closure Of Establishment, 4. Shift Working, 5 Procedure Of Retenchment, 6. Termination Of Employment

1. Payment Of Wages :-
According the standing order 10 wages shall be paid to all the workers on a working day before the expiry of the 7th or 10th day after the last day of the wage period. In this case employed workers may be 1000 or more or less. Unclaimed wages shall be paid on a day for payment of unclaimed wages.

2. Payment Of Bonus :-
A bonus is additional to the wages. If an employer has earned profit in any year shall pay bonus to the workers for that year. Bonus must be paid with in 3 months after the closing year. All those workers who have served not less than continuous 90 days are entitled for bonus.

3. Closure Of Establishment :-
The employer is not allowed to close down the whole establishment with out the permission of labour court. He is also not allowed to terminate the employment of more than 50% without the permission of the labour court. But under some special circumstances he can do this.

4. Shift Working :-
The rules regarding the shift working are below :

i. The employer may start more than one shift.

ii. After giving one month notice shift working.

iii. The workmen can be transferred from one shift to another.

iv. The permanent workmen can be discharged.

v. In case of discharge the principal of "last in first out" is applied.

vi. If the shift is restarted then the principal "last out first in" is applied.

5. Procedure Of Retenchment :-
When any employer wants to retench the workman of any particular category, he will have to to retench the worker keeping in view the seniority of workers in that category. The junior most will be retenched.

6. Termination Of Employment :-
In case of temporary probationer or a badli worker there is no need of notice and employment may be terminated either by the employer or by the workman. The wages in lien are also not paid.
In case of permanent workman other than misconduct is terminated by giving one month notice. This notice can be given by the employer or by the workmen. In lien of this notice one month wages being average wages of the last 3 months shall be payable.

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