Friday, 24 April 2015

Define society and What is the relationship between education and society

Society refers to a fairly large number of people who live in the same territory, are relatively independent of people outside it and participate in a common culture.

  • Society is a group of individuals who share common culture and territory.
  • Society is a relatively self-sufficient and self-sustaining group of people who are united by social relationships and who live in a particular society. 
  • Society is a group of people who interact within a limited territory guided by their culture.
  • Society is a group of people living in a specific geographical territory who share a culture which forms the basis for the rules that guide their behavior. 
  • Society refers to a fairly large group of individuals who have common objectives of life and who co-operate one another for the realization of these objectives. 
  • Society means a group of people who depend on one another for the fulfillment of their needs.
  • Society refers to a group of people who live a specific territory, independent of external pressures, for the realization of common interest. 
The relationship between education and society can be described in the following lines :-

Education is the representative of society : 

Education is a social process which strives for the fulfillment of the desires of society. Education determines its destination in the light of social objectives. The desires of society are the ultimate aims of education. Education formulates such programs which pave the way to the fulfillment of social aspirations. Education is the representative of social desires. Education is nothing but a reflection of the needs of society. 

Society provides a line of action to education : 

Education cannot decide its objectives by itself. This is the competency of the society to determine the objectives of education. The needs and desires. of the society are, in fact, the aims of education. For the realization of these aims of education, a comprehensive educative process is carried out. If the society does not exist, there would be no concept of aims of education. This is the Society which determines the ultimate aim of. education. For the realization of the objectives of education, the educational institutions are established in the society.

Education teaches social role : 

Every society intends to teach the values and traditions of the society so that the, individuals may turn into useful citizens. Education is held responsible to make the individuals understand the social values so that they may play their social role. Education is the only means of imparting the social fabrics to the present and future generations. In this regard, education runs the whole structure of society which is necessary for its stability and growth.

Education maintains social stability : 

The people lead their lives according to their social values in a stable and prosperous society. When the people follow the social values and traditions, it leads to the social stability and integrity. The survival and growth of the social values largely rest on the individuals who apply them on their daily life affairs. The social values can only be livened up when they become the part of the personality of the individuals. This is education which teaches the students their social role for the maintenance of Social stability.

Education transmits values : 

Education is the only means through which social values are preserved and transmitted to the next generations. If education does not function in this fashion, the social valued would have lost their identity and survival. If education suspends, it will lead to the suspension of social growth. In the presence of the educative process, it can be hoped that the social values are become the part of personality of the youths.

Education causes social growth : 

As education depends on society for its existence, social development largely rests on society. No society can touch the height of prosperity without promoting the educative process. The process of social development halts without education. The society without education is like a traveler who has led astray. The social growth is, closely connected with the educational development. The all-round development of the society is caused by a smooth running of a system of education in the society. 

Society serves as a guide of education : 

Society not only determines the aims of education but also guides the educative process at every step. The society objects on all the inappropriate measures and steps to be taken and suggests the best possible options available to the educative process. The society cannot bear with such educational activities which are against the social values and interests. To me, the society guides the educative process and thereby enables it to attain the social objectives associated with the social development.

Survival of society rests on education : 

Social survival refers to the continuous flowing, rule of righteous values and unity of social elements to be observed in the social institutions. Along with the continuity of human life, education is held responsible for the Survival of society. The lives of society and education depend on each other. Education designs such programs which pave the way to social survival. The educative process is processed for the benefit of society. This benefit, in the true sense, leads to the destination of social survival and stability.

Education reconstructs values : 

Reconstruction refers to the modification and up gradation of the components of a phenomenon or ideology. Reconstruction also includes the re-evaluation of those doctrines, values, traditions and thoughts which are directly concerned with the human life affairs. The concept of social stability is not confined to the promotion and transmission of social values. Re-evaluation of social values is also included in the concept of social stability. The social needs change with the change of time. In the circumstance, it seems essential to harmonize the social values with the social needs. This is the duty of the school to constantly evaluate the social values. It should also have an eye on the phenomenon to what extent social values are contributing to the cause of social stability. T o my mind, reconstruction of social values is a significant function of education without which  the destination of social stability cannot be attained.

Education promotes civilization : 

Education not only transmits values but also develops and promotes civilization. Rise, and fall of civilizations is, in fact, the rise and fall of education. The role of education regarding civilization. is multi-sided. It promotes and cultivates civilization. It also reduces the possibilities of clash between the civilizations. The national ideology, values and traditions are the components of civilization. The rule of an ideology is, in fact, the rule of a particular civilization. All this is not possible without an effective system of education. If there is no education, there is no civilization altogether. When the process of the development of civilization halts, the process of  social development also suspends which consequently causes social death of the individuals. Thus, it is a visible reality that education is the only means of growth and promotion of civilization.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Briefly discuss the salient points of psychological foundation of education

The principles of psychology play a significant role for success in the educative process. Psychology, in fact, is the study of those natural laws of mind and behavior which pave the way to the successful process of instruction. It seems necessary to know the nature of the child for the justification of education. A teacher should know the sources which can bring about behavioral changes in the personality of the children. To my mind, the educative process is based on the following psychological principles :-

  • The process of learning and instruction can only be effective if it conforms to the nature of child developmental needs and natural inclinations.
  • The mind of a child always follows the laws of nature. He is granted the inclination towards good.
  • The thing, or phenomenon, which is against human nature, cannot become the part of the educative process. The thing of this type cannot develop the personality of the learner.
  • Human development, primarily, is composed of physical, cognitive, emotional and Social development.
  • The children differ in ,aptitudes, attitudes, interests, abilities and natural tendencies. These differences are known as individual difference.
  • A teacher should take into account the principles of learning and development during the instructional process.
  • Every man is born free. He cannot be turned into civilized one by unnatural and unpsychological restraints. Every child is obsessed with the emotions of egoism and curiosity. The educative process should satisfy the basic sentiments of the children.
  • The curricular content should conform to the cognitive abilities and psychological needs of the students so that the instructional objectives may be realized.
  • The educative process cannot be made effective and result-oriented without the application of psychological principles and findings.
  • All the children differ from one another. This difference in abilities can be observed in terms of intelligence, aptitude, Socio-economic status and interests.
  • The scientific study of the mind and behavior of the students is not possible without the acquaintance with the psychological principles.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Define the concept of educational psychology and what its role (significance) is in the educative process

Educational psychology is interested to clarify and improve the interaction between teaching and learning.

  • Educational psychology is the study of learners, learning and teaching. 
  • Educational psychology provides a framework for looking at the student, the learning process and the learning situation. 
  • Educational psychology is the application of psychological theories, concepts and practices to educational processes. 
  • Educational psychology is an academic discipline which studies the educational growth and behavior in all its aspects. 
  • Educational psychology, in its widest sense. is a study of the principles of mental life applicable to educative processes. 
  • Education psychology is that branch of psychology devoted to the study how human learns and how they can be helped to learn. It investigates human learning and teaching methods by applying the scientific method. 
  • As an applied science, educational psychology describes and explains the learning experiences of an individual from birth through old age. 
  • Educational Psychology is the application of principles,- facts and techniques of individual and group psychology to human development, learning and other educational practices in a more or less controlled situation.
The role (significance) of educational psychology is manifested under the following headings :-

Formulation of educational objectives : 

A clear formulation of the educational goals helps in developing the necessary programs to reach these goals. It must be clearly recognized that educational psychology by itself can never determine the educational goals to be rot. This is really a subject of the educational philosophers who formulate educational objectives in the light of social and cultural heritage, current social needs and the image of the future. It must be recognized that educational objectives have to be formulated in the light of knowledge a teacher has regarding the various stages of human development. The facts ascertained regarding individual differences have clearly shown that in the case of mentally retarded and exceptional children. the educational objective should be set in the light of their low and higher abilities.

Quality in instruction : 

Educational psychology helps the teacher in bringing about improvement in the quality of his instructions. From this angle, the aim of educational psychology become to professionally train a teacher. The educational
objectives cannot be achieved without the effective teaching and effective teaching requires effective communication. Some educators have estimated that effective teaching requires common sense, intuition and correct decision making. Thus, if teachers wish to make good decisions for effective teaching a thorough grounding in educational psychology is required.

Sense of realization : 

Educational psychology develops a sense of realization in the educators it brings about cultural and professional changes in the teacher behavior. It also cultivates in the teacher the right attitudes towards human development and pupil learning. It further helps the teacher with information and suitable methods with the help of which he can improve his teaching skills and also ensure desirable growth in the personality of the students.

Effective Classroom Climate : 

Educational psychology develops a non-directive point of view in the classroom. This point of view produces initiative, enterprising and problem solving attitudes in the learners. It has also introduced another psychological concept like “Self-concept” for the teacher. This concept helps teachers in many ways. Insides the classroom, educational psychology has enabled the teacher to achieve the instructional goals by directing classroom programs on human lines. Educational psychology helps the teacher to create effective classroom climate so as to achieve the educational objectives and to develop better attitudes towards life.

Curriculum change : 

Educational psychology enables a teacher to bring changes in the contents of the curriculum with the help of new research findings. Most of the changes in the curriculum from elementary to post graduation level, occurred due to the findings of educational psychology. It has helped to obtain a “child-centered curriculum” instead of  “subject-matter centered curriculum” by emphasizing children motives and their social needs. The role played by educational psychology in shaping the curricular and co-curricular activities is evident in various education system of the world.

Educational administration : 

Educational psychology has provided basic educational concepts in educational administration. It has highlighted the changing concepts of the aims and..responsibilities of educational administration. Educational
psychology has helped the teacher by providing him with a point of view on the educational process. on educational product and educational situation of the learner. Without the knowledge of educational administration the teacher would have groped in the dark. This knowledge has helped him in securing interest, economy of time and effort in learning. It has also endowed him with an appreciative mind with which he is able to maintain an atmosphere in the classroom that is conducive to all-round  development in the learners.

Evaluating the learners performances : 

Educational psychology enables a teacher to evaluate the educational outcomes of the learners. It has enabled him to make use of "intelligence tests, achievement tests and aptitude tests and so on. A teacher can use all these tests for study and evaluating various potentialities and proficiency in the academic and non academic areas of the students. It has also provided him with the knowledge on the development of personality, causes of emotional maladjustment and other related problems. This knowledge helps the teacher in evaluating the learners performance. Without the knowledge of educational psychology, a teacher cannot evaluate his students scientifically and objectively.

Organization of learning experience : 

Once the objectives have been formulated, the teacher has the task of organizing the learning environment do that he can produce the specified changes in his students. A teacher has to use curriculum the textbook, the instructional aids and the pupil activity and so on. All these have to be organized so that the environment will promote the learning of new behavior. Educational psychology makes the teacher realized that every child enters the new learning experience with the accumulated facts of previous learning. A child has in him a complex integration of concepts and he will have to learn new ways of behavior. Thus, the task of organizing learning experiences is to bring about a reorganization of all these concepts so that the learner acquires new discrimination and differentiation. The organization of learning experiences guarantee learning and this is all mm to the discoveries of educational psychology.

Understanding learner behavior : 

The study of educational psychology contributes to the teacher by providing him with a set of concepts and principles that enables him to understand learner behavior in a more critical way. It helps the teachers to know the common aspects among his learners like perception, learning, necessary, sensation, motivation and so on. Educational psychology also helps the teachers to know something about the unique aspect of each individual. Each learner is unique in himself. He has got his weaknesses and his own strengths. The knowledge of educational psychology helps the teacher to know about the individual differences and to decide a particular course of action for each learner.

Methods of research : 

Psychology introduces the teacher to the elements of methods of research in learner behavior. As a science, educational psychology assumes that human behavior is predictable and can be explained. This view of human behavior reveals many aspects. The researches conducted by various educational psychologists have contributed enough to the content of psychology. The researches in the fields of child development, group dynamics mental health, measurement and learning have affected the educative process positively. The research methods devised by psychology substantially help the teacher to diagnose the educational problems of the learners and to enhance the teaching learning process.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Define philosophy of education and What is the relationship between philosophy and education or Discuss the role of philosophy in education

Philosophy of education is such an applied branch of philosophy as is concerned with the solution of problems within the educational settings.

  • When general philosophy generates bonds with the educational activities, it turns i into philosophy of education. 
  • Philosophy of education comes into being when philosophy extends its Services in solving the educational problems. 
  • Philosophy of education refers to the practical use of the general principles of philosophy field of education. 
  • Philosophy of education is an applied philosophy which provides ideological and conceptual guidance to all the elements of education.
  • The application of general principles of philosophy for the solution of educational problems is called philosophy of education. 
  • Philosophy of education refers to interpretation of those findings Which influence the educative process.
  • Philosophy of education is a coin consists of two sides. The one side is called ‘philosophy’ while the other side is called ‘education’. The former is the contemplative side while the latter is the active side of the coin.  

Now let us sees the relationship between philosophy and education. It can be discussed under the following headings :-

Philosophy and objectives of education : 

A system of education is based on a particular philosophy. This philosophy makes the nation acquainted with the national ideology of life. A system of education is developed for the acquisition of particular objectives. This is the function of philosophy to determine the objectives of education corresponding to the national values and traditions. Education is just a course of action to attain the objectives set by the philosophy. To me, philosophy is the ideological foundation of a system of education and objectives of education are decided in the light of this ideological and philosophical foundation.

Philosophy and classification of educational objectives : 

Philosophy not only determines the objectives of education but also classifies, modifies and categorizes them according to the conditions and needs of the time. Education is a social act. When the social needs change it leads to the changes in the objectives of education. The classification and modification is conducted in the light of national philosophy of life.
This is the duty of philosophy to decide :
Which aim is of foremost importance?
When an objective is to be achieved?
And which objectives will be useless after a particular period?

Philosophy and sources of knowledge : 

The question of sources of knowledge is significant in a system of education. No system of education can become meaningful without decision of the selection of sources of knowledge. Philosophy of education decides the sources of knowledge in the light of national life ideology. No secular society will recommend revelation in place of reason and sensations as a source of knowledge. Sources of knowledge are directly connected with the  philosophy of education. Determination of  sources of knowledge in the light of life philosophy is a significant concern of education. This is the function of philosophy of education to determine the sources of knowledge in the light of national values and traditions and absorb them into the system of education.

Philosophy and curriculum : 

When the aims of education are decided by philosophy, a new question arises how to realize these aims. Curriculum development is also the function of philosophy. Philosophy extends valuable services in this regard. Curriculum development for different level of schooling is not possible without the application of the general principles of philosophy of education. The objectives of education cannot be realized without the curriculum development.
Philosophy of education provides the guiding principles for deciding the content of curriculum. This is obligatory to philosophy to decide the content in the light of life ideology of a nation. In this way, the process of curriculum development can be a means of realization of the objectives of education. Philosophy of education can only determines the objectives of education but also determines the content of education. So to say, philosophy decides the activities and experiences which are supposed to meet the emerging demands of the society. These particular demands are softly termed as the objectives of education.

Philosophy and methods of teaching : 

To me, effective teaching is essential for effective instruction. By means of effective teaching, the curricular content may be transmitted to the student and thereby ensure the acquisition of the objectives of education. A teacher employs various methods of teaching to make his/her teaching effective and durable. Philosophy guides the educative process in connection with the methods of teaching. The methods of teaching are decided and selected in the light of philosophy of education. The democratic societies recommend those methods of teaching, in the educative process, which promote the individual abilities of the students. The non-democratic societies do not recommend project method of teaching and discussion method of teaching in the educative process. Education becomes palatable only if it conforms to the developmental and psychological needs of the students. We already know that aims of education seek guidance from the philosophy of education. The methods of teachings are the means through which the aims of education can be realized. For this reason, philosophy of education and methods of teachings are Closely related and depend on each other.

Philosophy and educational administration : 

This is the responsibility of philosophy of education to provide fundamental principles for maintaining discipline in the educational institutions. In the democratic societies, the school administration would follow the democratic attitudes and conducts. On the other hand, there would be a dictatorial style of school administration in the non-democratic societies. A teacher has to face various problems of discipline in the educational settings. Regarding the nature of discipline, the philosophers differ in their views. The conservative are of the opinion that human nature has evil tendencies. Therefore, strict discipline in schools
is essential to assist the child to become disciplined. The liberals reject the traditional notion of authority. They hold that the teacher is not an absolute authority. He is an integral part of the educative process. He possesses rich experiences but he has no right to control the creativity of the students.

Philosophy and the role of teacher : 

A teacher enjoys a pivotal status in a system of education. This is the philosophy of education which explains the role of teacher. Some systems of education declare the central Status of the teacher. On contrary, some others hold that learner is the pivot of the educative process.
What is the status of a teacher and a student in the educative process?
This question is concerned with the philosophy of education. This is the function of philosophy to determine the status of a teacher in the system of education. According to the democratic ideology of life, learner is the focus of the system of education whereas teacher is a central figure and spiritual father in the system of education.

Philosophy and evaluation : 

Evaluation is a device through which a teacher can get an exact idea of what the students achieve from their learning experiences. There is a visible controversy about testing and grading of the students in the educative
process. The thinkers, who support the conservative views on evaluation are of the opinion that the intellectual development of the students can only be judged in terms of their mastery of the curricular content. The liberal thinkers, lay emphasis on development of the overall personality of the child. They are not concerned only with the academic development of the student. They take the help of the varieties of methods of techniques to measure the personality of the students. In this sense, evaluation becomes a problem of philosophical analysis which must be conducted under careful and controlled conditions.

Philosophy and textbooks : 

Development and choice of textbooks is also a concern of philosophy. A textbook must cater to the needs of the society as prescribed in the objectives of education. The role of philosophy of education cannot be denied in the development of a textbook. Philosophy provides the guiding principles on which the content fer a textbook is selected and arranged. The developer of a textbook has to take into account the philosophical foundations of the system of education of j the country. Without the consideration of philosophy of education, a textbook is a pack of information which has no social value.

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Define Philosophy and what its scope or branches

The word ‘philosophy’ is composed of the two Greek words ‘philien’ or ‘philo" and ‘Sophia’ or ‘sophos‘ meaning ‘love’ and ‘wisdom’ respectively. Thus, philosophy is love for wisdom.  Philosophy is a deliberate attempt of understanding the facts of the world outside.

  • Philosophy refers to knowledge concerned with the discovery of truth. 
  • Philosophy is an endeavor of discovering the secrets of the universe in an integrated manner. 
  • Philosophy refers to the acquisition of wisdom which influences the role of life. 
  • Philosophy is an activity which conducts independent research. It extends doubts to the established traditions. It looks into the hidden aspects of those hypotheses that have been accepted by mankind without any valid reason. 
  • Philosophy is the study of the most general and abstract features of the world and categories with which we think. 
  • Philosophy is the general study of values, ethics, logical thinking and theoretical speculation about the nature or reality and reason. 
  • Philosophy is the study of knowledge, reality and human nature.
  • Philosophy is concerned with the study of forms of thought and argument and the grounds of knowledge in other subjects.
  • Philosophy is the activity of clarifying our ideas in the light of wisdom. 
  • Philosophy is the activity of presenting, interpreting and clarifying ideas and human problems in the light of wisdom. 
  • Philosophy is an academic research which is conducted for solving the problems of universe and mankind. 
  • Philosophy is a conscious attempt which answers to the metaphysical questions after careful intellectual considerations. Let us see the scope (branches) of philosophy in the following lines :- 

Metaphysics (ontology) : 

Metaphysics refers to an outlook of an individual or a motion concerning God, Man and Universe. As a branch of philosophy, it also explains the relationship among them. It is also called ontology. The metaphysical concepts are visibly reflected in the traditions and customs of a Society. Metaphysics directly concerned with the questions belonging to the nature of the universe. It is concerned with all those things which exist. It also raise question regarding the existence and non-existence of God. This is also a significant subject of metaphysics to discover the nature of life, death and the life after death. It also searches for the
purposes behind the creations of the universe. What is the relationship between Man and Universe? What is the object of human creation? What would be the nature of rebirth? These questions and many other questions of this type are considered to be the basic functions of metaphysics.

AxioIogy : 

Axiology refers to the area of philosophy that examines value issues especially in ethics and aesthetics. This area of philosophy tells a nation about good and evil. Axiology is very much concerned with values. To me, axiology is the science of value. It discusses value from the philosophical point of view. 
Its main problems are : 
What is value? 
What are the primary values? 
What is good? What is reality? 
What is the fountainhead of values? 
What is the nature of values? 
Are values subjective or objective in nature? 
Are values permanent or temporary? 

We cannot solve the problems regarding values without discussing the aforesaid problems. Axiology, primarily, decides good and bad for an individual and a nation. It set the standards of good and bad. All of our social life largely rests on this branch of philosophy.

Epistemology : 

Epistemology refers to the part of philosophy that deals with the sources, limitations, contingencies and nature of knowledge. 
It also refers to the theory of knowledge that answers questions such as
what is knowledge? 
And what is the difference between knowledge and opinion? 
To me, epistemology is the science of knowledge and truth. Its problems are primarily concerned with the process of knowledge. It is strange that so many intellectuals and academicians are busy in the acquisition of knowledge. There are very few Who think over the general questions concerning the nature of knowledge, its limitations and the relation of know-er with he known. The questions of this type are raised in the field of epistemology. Thus, epistemology provides and discusses basic foundations of knowledge. Epistemology is also termed as original philosophy. As a branch of philosophy, it explains and establishes the relationship between Man and God. It critically evaluates the nature, limits, sources and validity of knowledge. It has significantly served humanity by categorizing knowledge into various academic disciplines. 
In conclusion, it is concerned with the questions like
What is the fountainhead of knowledge? 
What are the sources of knowledge? 
What are the limits of knowledge? 
What are the measures to check the authenticity of knowledge and what is the relationship between knowledge and the world outside?

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Define foundations of education and what are its significant types

Foundations Of Education

Education is a formally organized human social activity. Information, experiences and skills are transmitted to the next generations by means of education. It is a sensitive activity in this regard. It ensures the continuity of academic excellences between the two generations. If there had been no process of education, the whole
academic capital would  have lost. Being an activity, education is concerned with the national ideology, society, economy and human needs. These concerns of education are the foundations of education. These foundations are taken into account in the educational activities. Every individual has his particular life ideology. He is a member of a particular society as well. He has to participate in the economic activities to earn his livelihood. He has a particular mind set tool. All aspects of an individual s life are considered in the educative process. An individual cannot be parted from these aspects. Education is also concerned with these aspects of human life. Education cannot maintain its survival without the realization of these aspects. In conclusion, I can say that foundations education are, in fact, the foundations of life which prove justification and formation to the process of education.

Foundations of education are the motives and factors which are considered during the construction and organization of various elements of education.

  • Foundations of education refer to those fundamental factors, which influence the structure and organization of various elements of education e.g. objectives, curriculum, teaching methods and evaluation. 
  • Foundations of education refer to those aspects of individual and collective life which are taken into account while constructing a system of  education for a nation e.g. ideological foundation of education, social foundation of education and psychological foundation of education etc. The significant types of foundations of education are the following :-

Ideological foundation of education : 

The ideological foundation of education is concerned with the life ideology of the individuals. Education takes the life ideology of a nation into account for the acquisition of national objectives. To me, ideological foundation of education refers to those fundamental thoughts and ideals which are significantly considered during the development of a system of education.

Philosophical foundation of education : 

Philosophy clarifies an individual’s concepts regarding Man, God and Universe. Besides this, philosophy provides essential conceptual and practical guidance to the individuals about various fields of life. Education of a nation works under the direction of philosophy. This is the truth which tells that philosophy is a significant foundation of the educative process. To me, philosophical foundation of education refers to the development of a system of education for a nation in the light of national life philosophy. This foundation of education decides the destination of a system of education.

Psychological foundation of education : 

Psychology is the study of human behavior and mind. All the individuals vary in interests, liking and natural
tendencies. It seems necessary that the individual differences must be considered during the educative process. The use of psychological principles and the consideration of the individual differences during the educative process are, in fact, the acknowledgement of the role of psychology in the educative process. To me, psychological foundation of education means the application of psychological principles during the process of learning and instruction so as to satisfy the psychological needs and natural tendencies of the students.

Social foundation of education : 

Society and individual are interdependent and interrelated. No individual can lead a successful life without society. The social needs of the individual are taken into account in the educative process. Education aims at
social training of the individual in the fashion that enables him a useful citizen. This social struggle of education for an individual is called social foundation of education. According to my viewpoint, social foundation of education refers to consideration of social needs of the individuals during the development of a system of education.

Economic foundation of education : 

All individuals engage themselves in economic activities to lead a balance and prosperous life. In this regard, this is the responsibility of education to develop the abilities of the individual in such a way that they may get benefit of the economic opportunities. Education enables the individual to participate in the money-making activities and thereby strengthen their financial conditions. The idea of economic training of an individual is, in fact, the economic foundation of education. In my opinion, economic foundation of education refers to
consideration of financial needs of individual and society during the development of a system of education for a nation. This foundation of education paves the way to stable and developed society.