Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Write a note on Credibility


Credibility is a complex phenomenon cannot easily achieved. A message must be credible to the audience, else it is worthless. The audience must believe the message to be true and accept it is the true. But it is not synonymous of true. What is credible to the audience and seen by it as true, may or may not be actually fact. The credibility of a message exists within the audience; the audience judges the statements presented to it in
terms of its own experience, in short, what is conceivable to it. If facts presented by the propagandist do not seem worthy of belief to the audience, then the facts will not be credible yet, while the audience may not believe the truth. It not necessarily follow falsehood should be employed instead truth can be underplayed or expanded without departing from a substantial basic facts.

Facts that influence credibility :

1. A communication may be conveniently thought of as having two aspects :
a. What is said
b. How it is said?
The accuracy of reports that largely determines their credibility, there are other influence on the judged objectivity of message.

2. Willingness to believe a statement is sometimes related to who said it. A testimonial device, occasionally employed, consists of quoting from a past speech of a leader which is favourable and credible to the listener.

3. Willingness to believe the statement, it must be based on a knowledge of the attitude of the audience and their point of view. Maximum credibility is often achieved by low key news reporting, complete objectivity in reporting.

4. Situational facts are added to, effectiveness and credibility of communication output.

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