Saturday, 28 November 2015

Discuss the principles which determine the hereditary traits

The principles determining the hereditary traits refer to those foundations which serve as guidelines for determining the hereditary traits.
The experts predict the hereditary traits of an individual in the light of these principles. These principles
describe the foundations on whose-bases the hereditary traits are transmitted from the parents to their children. The experts have described the following laws which determine the hereditary traits :

Law of similarity : 

The law of similarity states that similar things give rise to similar things. Children are similar to their parents in many respects. This law is of the view that intelligent parents give birth to intelligent children and the dull parents may produce the dull ones. According to this law, it is generally observed that the beautiful parents have beautiful babies.

Law of dissimilarity : 

The law of dissimilarity states that similar things can give birth to dissimilar things. This law also states that intelligent parents can give birth to less intelligent children and less intelligent parents can give birth to intelligent children. According to this law, the children are not completely similar to their parents. The children of the same parents may different from one another in physical structure, color, intelligent, height and habits.

Law of recurrence : 

The law of recurrence states that direction of the development is from extreme to middle. This law is of the View that exceptionally talented parents may give birth to less exceptionally talented children. According to this law, the children possess average traits as compared to their parents. It is generally observed that the traits of the children are between the two extremes. Their traits follow the average line between the two extreme limits. The children of the gifted parents are the comparatively lower level of giftedness as compared to their parents. It is quiz possible that the children of the lesser intelligent parents may possess average

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