Mr. Webb has defined it in the following words, "It is a continuous of wage earners for the purpose of maintaining or improving the conditions of their employment."
The ordinance allows the workers and employers to establish or join the associations of their own choice. Trade unions have a right to frame the rules and constitutions to organize their activities.
Importance Of Trade Union :-
An individual worker bargaining power is very poor as compared to the employer. In a collective bargaining trade union proves itself very strong. Trade union ensures the better conditions of work in the industry. It can bargain about the working hours, holidays, bonus, health, medical, education and residential facilities for the workers. It also guides the workers about their rights and duties. Trade Unions also use the weapon of strikes to achieve their goals.
For the registration of trade union constitution is an important document on which the following formalities should be fulfilled.
1. Application For Registration :-
If any trade union wants to be registered it should submit an application for registration signed by the president and secretary.
2. Name & Address :-
It is necessary that name and address of trade union where it exist should be written in application.
3. Object :-
All those objects should be written in the application for which the union has been organized.
4. Use Of Funds :-
All those purposes should be mentioned for which the funds will be utilized.
5. Executive Body Members :-
The members of the executive body should be declared and these should be according to the prescribed limit of the act.
6. Benefit To Member :-
All those conditions should be clear in the constitution according to which one person is entitled to receive any benefit.
7. List Of Members :-
List of trade unions members and facilities provided to them must be maintained.
8. Safety Of Funds :-
All the funds of trade union must be in the safe custody.
9. Annual Audit :-
There should be an adequate facilities for the inspection and annual audit. Members and officers of the unions may be able to check the account of books.
10. Dissolution Process :-
In the constitutions dissolution process must be explained.
11. Election Of Officers :-
Process of electing the officer by the general body of trade union must be clear. Term for the office holder may not exceed more than two years.
12. Procedure Of Expressing Confidence :-
To procedure of expressing the confidence in any officer of trade union should also clear.
13. Meetings :-
It is also the requirement for the registration of trade unions that meetings of executive body of the trade union should be held at least once in every three month and general body at least once in year.
The above requirements are necessary for the registration of the trade union.