Saturday, 9 January 2016

Give an account of the laws of learning in detail

Laws of learning refer to those foundations on which the learning process is based. These vary laws make the learning process scientific and logical. These laws are also termed as ‘Thorndike’s laws of learning’. These laws are briefly discussed here under :

Law of readiness : 

Learning law of readiness states that learning occurs when neurological conduction units are ready to conduct. To me, learning law of readiness refers to the relationship between readiness for learning and the effectiveness of learning. The following points are significant regarding the learning law of readiness :

  • Readiness is the basic condition of learning, The learning process cannot be carried out without readiness.
  • The level of readiness determines the level of learning.
  • Readiness determines the pace of learning. The enriched readiness paves the way to enriched learning.
  • Mental level, previous knowledge, mental freshness and aptitude of the students are those factors which positively or negatively affect the learning process.
  • Readiness persuades an individual to learn. So to say, readiness is the activity of persuasion to learn.
  • The success or failure of the process of learning largely depends on readiness.
  • A goal makes the individual prepared for learning new skills. This goal is, in fact, readiness.
  • All new learning is based on the previous knowledge and readiness of the learner.

Law of exercise : 

The learning law of exercise states that the more practice to learn a task, the stranger learning will be. The principle describes that if a stimulus and response occur together regularly, they will come to form a learned association. If a person does not continue the typing practice, his/her efficiency of typing will reduce. On contrary, continuous practice of typing will increase the efficiency of the individual significantly. The following points are significant regarding the learning law of readiness :

  • Exercise makes the learning durable and long-lived.
  • Exercise reduces the possibility of committing mistakes. 
  • Exercise enables the individual to repeat the activity successfully.
  • The skills, for which an individual does not practice enough, cannot become the part of his/her personality permanently. 
  • An individual can overcome the difficulties associated with various skills by means of practice. 
  • A performed task can be turned into a habit of an individual by means of exercise. 

Law of effect : 

Learning law of effect refers to a learning principle that actions which have a pleasant effect on the organisms are likely to be repeated. This law is also termed as 'law of satisfaction'. This law implies if our efforts are accompanied by a feeling or achievement or satisfaction, we are further inspired to learn, and therefore, effective learning will take place. The following points are significant regarding the learning law of readiness : 
  • Law of effect is concerned with the reward or punishment as a result of particular task.
  • All the activities are subjected to the law of effect. The individual cannot get involved in the activity which has no benefit for him/her or which is not capable of saving him/her from harms.
  • All the educational activities are carried out under the influence of law of effect. 
  • Law of effect wins the interests of the students in the educative process. 
  • Under the law of effect, the learning of the students becomes durable and relatively permanent. 

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